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Socialising over fruits and vegetables: the biocultural importance of an open-air market in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-020-0356-6
F Merlin Franco 1 , Li Ling Chaw 2 , Nurzahidah Bakar 3 , Siti Noraqilah Haji Abas 3

BACKGROUND Earth's biocultural diversity comprising biological, cultural and linguistic diversities is being eroded quickly. Our ability to recognise and appreciate what is remaining is crucial for its survival. However, not all forms of diversity are appreciated equally and a growing trend in plant blindness indicates that humans ignore plants in the environment. In this context, open-air markets emerge as cultural spaces that bring people closer to each other, as well as with local biodiversity represented by fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants. METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional survey with 160 people visiting Tamu Kianggeh of Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. We randomly interviewed every fifth adult visitor (> 18 years) leaving the market on Fridays and Sundays continuously for a month, using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire had 18 questions related to demographic particulars, reasons for visiting the market, vendor preference, social networking and visits to open-air markets and supermarkets. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION People visit the market for the diversity of vegetables/fruits; local fruits and vegetables; socialising; cheap prices; ability to bargain; freshness of the products; convenience; medicinal plants; snacks; leisure etc. The ethnic diversity represented at the market comprised chiefly of Malay, Kedayan, Iban, Dusun, Tutong, Chinese communities and foreigners. Majority of the respondents chose 'availability of a wide range of fruits and vegetables' as the primary reason for the visit, followed by 'availability of local fruits and vegetables'. Tamu Kianggeh sold larger number of fruits and vegetables (104 taxa, 26 natives, 2 endemics) compared to the nearest supermarket (85 taxa, 14 natives and 1 endemic). A significant number of respondents also reported that they had made friends at the market. CONCLUSION Tamu Kianggeh is a meeting ground for ethnic and biological diversities, a property that makes them important centres of biocultural diversity at the local level. Open-air markets such as Tamu Kianggeh bring people closer to a diverse range of vegetables and fruits. They also bring people closer to each other by serving as platforms for socialising. We propose that strategies developed to counter plant blindness should also consider the potential of open-air markets.



背景技术包括生物,文化和语言多样性的地球生物文化多样性正在迅速被侵蚀。我们认识和欣赏剩余物质的能力对其生存至关重要。但是,并非所有形式的多样性都得到同等重视,植物盲目性的增长趋势表明人类忽视了环境中的植物。在这种情况下,露天市场作为使人们彼此靠近的文化空间以及以水果,蔬菜和药用植物为代表的当地生物多样性而出现。方法我们进行了横断面调查,共有160人访问了文莱达鲁萨兰国的斯里巴加湾市的Tamu Kianggeh。我们使用结构化问卷对每五名成年访客(> 18岁)在星期五和星期日连续离开市场一个月的情况进行了随机采访。问卷有18个与人口统计特征,访问市场的原因,供应商的偏好,社交网络以及对露天市场和超级市场的​​访问有关的问题。结果与讨论人们参观了各种蔬菜/水果市场;当地水果和蔬菜;社交活动;价格便宜;讨价还价的能力;产品的新鲜度;方便; 药用植物;零食 休闲等。市场上所代表的种族多样性主要包括马来人,基达扬人,伊班人,杜孙人,土家族,华人社区和外国人。多数受访者选择“提供各种水果和蔬菜”作为访问的主要原因,其次是“当地水果和蔬菜的可用性”。Tamu Kianggeh出售了更多的水果和蔬菜(104个分类单元,26个当地居民,2个地方病)相比,最近的超市(85个分类单元,14个当地人和1个地方病)。大量受访者还报告说他们在市场上交了朋友。结论Tamu Kianggeh是种族和生物多样性的聚会场所,这一属性使其成为地方一级重要的生物文化多样性中心。Tamu Kianggeh等露天市场使人们更接近各种蔬菜和水果。通过充当社交平台,它们还使人们彼此靠近。我们建议为应对植物失明而制定的策略也应考虑露天市场的潜力。结论Tamu Kianggeh是种族和生物多样性的聚会场所,这一属性使其成为地方一级重要的生物文化多样性中心。Tamu Kianggeh等露天市场使人们更接近各种蔬菜和水果。通过充当社交平台,它们还使人们彼此靠近。我们建议为应对植物失明而制定的策略也应考虑露天市场的潜力。结论Tamu Kianggeh是种族和生物多样性的聚会场所,这一属性使其成为地方一级重要的生物文化多样性中心。Tamu Kianggeh等露天市场使人们更接近各种蔬菜和水果。通过充当社交平台,它们还使人们彼此靠近。我们建议为应对植物失明而制定的策略还应考虑露天市场的潜力。