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Comparing Adaptive Radiations Across Space, Time, and Taxa
Journal of Heredity ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esz064
Rosemary G Gillespie 1 , Gordon M Bennett 2 , Luc De Meester 3 , Jeffrey L Feder 4 , Robert C Fleischer 5 , Luke J Harmon 6 , Andrew P Hendry 7 , Matthew L Knope 8 , James Mallet 9 , Christopher Martin 10 , Christine E Parent 11 , Austin H Patton 12 , Karin S Pfennig 13 , Daniel Rubinoff 14 , Dolph Schluter 15 , Ole Seehausen 16, 17 , Kerry L Shaw 18 , Elizabeth Stacy 19 , Martin Stervander 20 , James T Stroud 21 , Catherine Wagner 22 , Guinevere O U Wogan 23

Adaptive radiation plays a fundamental role in our understanding of the evolutionary process. However, the concept has provoked strong and differing opinions concerning its definition and nature among researchers studying a wide diversity of systems. Here, we take a broad view of what constitutes an adaptive radiation, and seek to find commonalities among disparate examples, ranging from plants to invertebrate and vertebrate animals, and remote islands to lakes and continents, to better understand processes shared across adaptive radiations. We surveyed many groups to evaluate factors considered important in a large variety of species radiations. In each of these studies, ecological opportunity of some form is identified as a prerequisite for adaptive radiation. However, evolvability, which can be enhanced by hybridization between distantly related species, may play a role in seeding entire radiations. Within radiations, the processes that lead to speciation depend largely on (1) whether the primary drivers of ecological shifts are (a) external to the membership of the radiation itself (mostly divergent or disruptive ecological selection) or (b) due to competition within the radiation membership (interactions among members) subsequent to reproductive isolation in similar environments, and (2) the extent and timing of admixture. These differences translate into different patterns of species accumulation and subsequent patterns of diversity across an adaptive radiation. Adaptive radiations occur in an extraordinary diversity of different ways, and continue to provide rich data for a better understanding of the diversification of life.


