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Lemur catta in small forest fragments: Which variables best predict population viability?
American Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-30 , DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23095
Lisa Gould 1 , Laura L E Cowen 2

Habitat fragmentation is an increasingly serious issue affecting primates in most regions where they are found today. Populations of Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur) in Madagascar's south-central region are increasingly restricted to small, isolated forest fragments, surrounded by grasslands or small-scale agriculture. Our aim was to evaluate the potential for population viability of L. catta in nine forest fragments of varying sizes (2-46 ha, population range: 6-210 animals) in south-central Madagascar, using a set of comparative, quantitative ecological measures. We used Poisson regression models with a log link function to examine the effects of fragment size, within-fragment food availability, and abundance of matrix resources (food and water sources) on L. catta population sizes and juvenile recruitment. We found a strong association between overall population size and (a) fragment size and (b) abundance of key food resources Melia azedarach and Ficus spp. (per 100 m along transect lines). Juvenile recruitment was also associated with fragment size and abundance of the two above-mentioned food resources. When the largest population, an outlier, was removed from the analysis, again, the model containing fragment size and abundance of M. azedarach and Ficus spp. was the best fitting, but the model that best predicted juvenile recruitment contained only fragment size. While our results are useful for predicting population presence and possible persistence in these fragments, both the potential for male dispersal and the extent of human disturbance within most fragments play crucial roles regarding the likelihood of long-term L. catta survival. While seven of the nine fragments were reasonably protected from human disturbance, only three offered the strong potential for male dispersal, thus the long-term viability of many of these populations is highly uncertain.



栖息地破碎化是一个日益严重的问题,在当今发现它们的大多数地区影响着灵长类动物。马达加斯加中南部地区的狐猴(环状狐猴)种群越来越多地被狭小,孤立的森林碎片所包围,周围是草原或小型农业。我们的目的是通过一套比较的定量生态措施,评估马达加斯加中南部九个大小不等的森林碎片(2-46公顷,人口范围:6-210只动物)中L. catta种群生存力的潜力。 。我们使用具有对数链接功能的Poisson回归模型来检查片段大小,片段内食物的可利用性以及基质资源(食物和水源)的丰富度对L. catta种群大小和少年募集的影响。我们发现总体人口规模与(a)片段大小和(b)关键粮食资源丰富Melia azedarach和Ficus spp之间有很强的联系。(沿剖面线​​每100 m)。少年招募还与上述两种粮食资源的片段大小和丰富性有关。当再次从分析中删除最大的种群(离群值)时,该模型将包含片段大小和丰富的M. azedarach和Ficus spp。是最合适的,但是最能预测少年招募的模型仅包含片段大小。虽然我们的结果可用于预测这些片段中的种群数量和可能存在的持久性,但在男性雄性散布的可能性和大多数片段中的人类干扰程度方面,它们对于长期L. catta存活的可能性都起着至关重要的作用。