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Local Depletion of Click Beetle Populations by Pheromone Traps Is Weather and Species Dependent
Environmental Entomology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvaa006
Willem G van Herk 1 , Robert S Vernon 1, 2

Abstract Several Agriotes click beetle species are important pests of vegetables and field crops. Monitoring for beetles is generally done with pheromone-baited traps maintained in permanent locations. Since dispersal is mostly by walking, such traps may deplete populations around them, leading to underestimations of populations relative to nontrapped areas, and of concomitant risk of wireworm damage to nearby crops. We placed sets of five pitfall traps in field headland areas in 2015–2017, of which two were baited with Agriotes obscurus (L) or Agriotes lineatus (L) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) pheromone. Of these, one was maintained in a permanent location, while the other moved among the remaining positions. Traps were checked weekly over the emergence period. For A. obscurus, fixed and moving traps initially collected similar numbers, but the latter collected significantly more later in the season, indicating depletion around fixed traps. Depletion was most pronounced after a period of cold weather, and around the peak swarming period. Depletion observed for A. lineatus was not statistically significant.This indicates pheromone-baited traps used for walking insects can underestimate populations, but depletion rates vary with species and temperature and should be accounted for when traps are used to develop action thresholds or time control strategies.



摘要 几种Agriotes点击甲虫是蔬菜和大田作物的重要害虫。甲虫的监测通常是用固定在固定位置的信息素诱饵陷阱来完成的。由于传播主要是通过步行,此类陷阱可能会耗尽周围的种群,导致相对于非陷阱区域的种群数量被低估,并伴随着线虫对附近作物造成损害的风险。我们在 2015-2017 年在田野岬角地区设置了五个陷阱陷阱,其中两个用 Agriotes obscurus (L) 或 Agriotes lineatus (L)(鞘翅目:Elateridae)信息素作为诱饵。其中,一个被固定在一个固定位置,而另一个则在其余位置之间移动。在出现期间每周检查陷阱。对于 A. obscurus,固定和移动陷阱最初收集的数字相似,但后者在本季后期收集的明显更多,表明固定陷阱周围的枯竭。在一段时间的寒冷天气之后和蜂拥高峰期前后,耗竭最为明显。观察到的 A. lineatus 的消耗没有统计显着性。这表明用于步行昆虫的信息素诱饵陷阱可能会低估种群,但消耗率因物种和温度而异,并且在使用陷阱制定行动阈值或时间控制策略时应考虑在内.