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Circadian rhythms and decision-making: a review and new evidence from electroencephalography.
Chronobiology International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1715421
Ángel Correa 1 , Sonia Alguacil 1 , Luis F Ciria 1 , Ana Jiménez 1 , María Ruz 1

Since emotions and regulatory control are relevant for decision-making, their circadian fluctuation should influence the outcome of such decisions, but this question has been rarely addressed. A review of the literature suggests that the evidence regarding circadian synchrony effects (better performance at optimal vs. non-optimal times of day according to chronotype) on decision-making is mixed, likely due to the use of different approaches to estimate chronotype. The current experiment studied economic decision-making as a function of both chronotype and the time of day when decisions are made. The influence of chronotype (Morning-type: N = 28 vs. Evening-type: N = 30) and time of day (8 am vs. 10 pm) on decision-making was measured by the acceptance rate of unfair and fair offers in the Ultimatum Game, and the event-related potentials time-locked to such offers. Subjective affect (PANAS), and appraisal of emotional images (IAPS) were also measured. Chronotype was estimated through questionnaires (MEQ, rMEQ, MCTQ) and the circadian rhythm of wrist temperature. Synchrony effects were found for both wrist temperature and subjective affect, but not for behavioral performance. Morning-types showed earlier phases of circadian rhythms in temperature, reported better sleep quality, more positive affective balance, accepted more unfair offers, and their frontal P200 potential was attenuated as compared to Evening-types in the Ultimatum Game. Acceptance rate of unfair offers correlated with the chronotype measured by questionnaires (positive correlation with rMEQ and MEQ scores, and negative correlation with Midsleep time in workdays -MSWsc from MCTQ) but not with midsleep time estimated through wrist temperature. Finally, participants who accepted more unfair offers later judged positive IAPS stimuli as more pleasant. We did not observe a synchrony effect in the Ultimatum Game, but morningness was related to rational decision-making as indexed by increased acceptance of unfair offers. Since morning-types show higher emotional regulation and positive mood than evening-types, it is possible that unfair offers did not elicit negative emotions as intense in morning-types as in evening-types, making it easier for them to accept.

Abbreviations: ACC: anterior cingulate cortex; ANOVA: analysis of variance; BART: Balloon Analogue Risk Task; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; EEG: electroencephalography; IAPS: International Affective Picture System; ICA: Independent component analysis; KSS: Karolinska Sleepiness Scale; LPP: Late Positive Potential; M: mean; MCTQ: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire; MEQ: Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire; MFN: Medial Frontal Negativity; MSWsc: midsleep time for working days corrected for sleep debt; MSFsc: midsleep time for free days corrected for sleep debt; N: number of participants; PANAS: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PVT: Psychomotor Vigilance Task; rMEQ: reduced Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire; RNA: Ribonucleic acid; RT: reaction time; SAM: Self-Assessment Manikin; SD: standard deviation; UG: Ultimatum Game.



由于情绪和监管控制与决策相关,因此其昼夜节律波动应影响此类决策的结果,但很少解决此问题。文献综述表明,关于昼夜节律同步效应(根据表型在一天中最佳时间与非最优时间表现更好)的证据混杂在一起,这很可能是由于使用了不同的方法来估算表型。当前的实验研究了经济决策与表型和决策时间的关系。计时型(早晨型:N = 28 vs.晚上型:N = 30)和一天中的时间(上午8点与晚上10点)对决策的影响是通过不公平出价和公平出价的接受率来衡量的最后通Game游戏 并且与事件相关的潜力被锁定在此类报价上。还测量了主观情感(PANAS)和情感形象评估(IAPS)。通过问卷调查(MEQ,rMEQ,MCTQ)和腕部温度的昼夜节律来估计表型。腕部温度和主观影响都发现有同步效应,而行为表现却没有。早上型的人的温度昼夜节律较早,报告的睡眠质量更好,情感平衡更积极,接受了更多不公平的提议,与最后通Game游戏中的晚上型人相比,他们的额叶P200潜力减弱了。不公平的报价的接受率与问卷调查的时标相关(与rMEQ和MEQ得分呈正相关,与工作日的午睡时间呈负相关(来自MCTQ的MSWsc),但与通过腕部温度估算的午睡时间没有负相关。最后,接受了更多不公平提议的参与者后来认为,积极的IAPS刺激更加令人愉悦。我们在最后通Game博弈中没有观察到同步效应,但是早晨与理性决策有关,而理性决策是通过增加对不公平要约的接受来索引的。由于早班比晚班表现出更高的情绪调节力和积极情绪,所以不公平的报价可能不会引起早班和晚班一样强烈的负面情绪,这使他们更容易接受。我们在最后通Game博弈中没有观察到同步效应,但是早晨与理性决策有关,而理性决策是通过增加对不公平要约的接受来索引的。由于早班比晚班表现出更高的情绪调节力和积极情绪,所以不公平的报价可能不会引起早班和晚班一样强烈的负面情绪,这使他们更容易接受。我们在最后通Game博弈中没有观察到同步效应,但是早晨与理性决策有关,而理性决策是通过增加对不公平要约的接受来索引的。由于早班比晚班表现出更高的情绪调节力和积极情绪,所以不公平的报价可能不会引起早班和晚班一样强烈的负面情绪,这使他们更容易接受。

