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A spatial ecology study in a high-diversity host community to understand blood-feeding behaviour in Phlebotomus sandfly vectors of Leishmania.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1111/mve.12427
P Pérez-Cutillas 1, 2 , C Muñoz 3 , J Martínez-De La Puente 4, 5 , J Figuerola 4, 5 , R Navarro 6 , M Ortuño 3 , L J Bernal 7 , J Ortiz 3 , R C Soriguer 4, 5 , E Berriatua 3

Molecular studies indicate that Phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) blood feed on many vertebrate species, of which only a few are proven parasite reservoirs. Investigating sandfly vector feeding preferences is therefore important and requires taking into account the availability and accessibility of host species. In terms of the latter, it is necessary to consider the metabolic cost to the insect of reaching the host and moving on to a suitable breeding site. The present study used statistical modelling to compare the feeding patterns of Phlebotomus perniciosus (n = 150), Phlebotomus papatasi (n = 35) and Phlebotomus ariasi (n = 7) on each of an average of 30 host species in a wildlife park in Murcia, Spain. Sandfly feeding movement costs were estimated as a function of the distance and altitude gradients saved by the insect, assuming that they displayed 'site fidelity'. Most (87%) engorged females were caught <100 m from the host on which they had fed. Although the percentage of bloodmeals was highest on fallow deer (Dama dama) (30%) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) (26%), the predicted feeding probability after considering movement cost was highest for red deer and common eland (Taurotragus oryx), and positively associated with host census. These results suggest that, under similar circumstances, sandflies prefer to feed on some host species more than on others.


在高多样性寄主社区中进行的空间生态学研究,以了解利什曼原虫(Phishbotomus sandfly)载体的除草杆菌(Plebotomus sandfly)载体中的采血行为。

分子研究表明,Phlebotomine f(Diptera:Psychodidae)的血液以许多脊椎动物为食,其中只有少数被证明是寄生虫。因此,调查沙蝇媒介的摄食偏好很重要,并且需要考虑宿主物种的可用性和可及性。就后者而言,有必要考虑昆虫到达宿主并转移到合适的繁殖地点所消耗的代谢成本。本研究使用统计模型比较了穆尔西亚野生动物公园中平均30种寄主物种中的百日草(Phlebotomus perniciosus)(n = 150),百日草(Phlebotomus papatasi)(n = 35)和阿里(Phlebotomus ariasi)(n = 7)的摄食模式,西班牙。根据昆虫节省的距离和高度梯度,估计了fly蝇的移动成本,假设他们展示了“网站忠实度”。大部分(87%)饱水雌性被捕到的距离是他们所喂养的宿主<100 m。虽然小鹿(Dama dama)和马鹿(Cervus elaphus)(26%)的血粉百分比最高,但考虑到运动成本后,预测的进食概率是马鹿和普通大羚羊(Taurotragus oryx) ,并且与主持人普查正相关。这些结果表明,在类似的情况下,沙蝇更喜欢以某些寄主物种为食,而不是以其他物种为食。考虑运动成本后的预测进食概率对马鹿和普通大羚羊(Taurotragus oryx)最高,与宿主普查呈正相关。这些结果表明,在类似的情况下,沙蝇更喜欢以某些寄主物种为食,而不是以其他物种为食。考虑运动成本后的预测进食概率对马鹿和普通大羚羊(Taurotragus oryx)最高,与宿主普查呈正相关。这些结果表明,在类似的情况下,沙蝇更喜欢以某些寄主物种为食,而不是以其他物种为食。