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Development and Validation of the Thought Impact Scale: A Measure of Subconscious Connectedness.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2018.1561415
Olafur S Palsson 1

The Thought Impact Scale (TIS) is a new questionnaire designed to measure the theorized psychological characteristic of subconscious connectedness, defined as the degree to which nonconscious mental functions spontaneously interact with, and are accessible to, conscious awareness in everyday life. A principal reason for developing the TIS was the expectation that subconscious connectedness influences hypnosis treatment responses and seeking of hypnosis treatment. Two studies involving 1,216 subjects were carried out to validate the questionnaire. The TIS exhibited high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.93 and 0.95), good one-month test-retest reliability (r = 0.89), and convergent validity evidenced by substantial correlations with other measures hypothesized to partly assess the same construct: Absorption (r = 0.70), fantasy proneness (r = 0.54), dissociation (r = 0.50), and emotional empathy (r = 0.39). TIS scores were approximately normally distributed, higher in females than males, and declining with age. Exploratory factor analysis showed the TIS to be composed of a single dominant factor. High TIS scorers were 2.5 times as likely as low scorers to have undergone hypnosis treatment, 2.6 times as likely to report at least moderate benefit after hypnosis treatment, and 3.8 times as likely to consider themselves highly hypnotizable. High TIS scorers also more frequently reported being highly creative, art lovers, intuition-reliant, absentminded, spontaneous, novelty-seeking, and prone to form intense relationships. The TIS is a reliable and valid measure that is likely to be useful in clinical hypnosis practice and hypnosis research and for quantifying communication between conscious and nonconscious mental functions.



思想影响量表(TIS)是一种新的问卷,旨在测量潜意识连接的理论心理特征,定义为无意识心理功能在日常生活中自发地与意识意识互动并可以访问的程度。发展TIS的主要原因是期望下意识的联系会影响催眠治疗反应并寻求催眠治疗。进行了涉及1,216名受试者的两项研究以验证问卷。TIS表现出较高的内部一致性(Cronbach's alpha为0.93和0.95),良好的1个月重测信度(r = 0.89),以及收敛的有效性,与假设部分评估同一构造的其他衡量指标之间存在显着相关性: = 0.70),幻想倾向(r = 0.54),分离(r = 0.50)和情感移情(r = 0.39)。TIS分数大致呈正态分布,女性高于男性,并且随着年龄的增长而下降。探索性因素分析表明,TIS由单个主导因素组成。高TIS评分者接受催眠治疗的可能性是低评分者的2.5倍,在接受催眠治疗后报告至少中度获益的可能性是2.6倍,认为自己具有高度催眠作用的可能性是3.8倍。TIS得分高的人也经常报告他们极富创造力,艺术爱好者,直觉,心不在,、自发,寻求新奇并易于建立紧密的关系。
