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The cross cyclomatic complexity: a bi-dimensional measure for program complexity on graphs
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: arxiv-2003.00399
Hugo Tremblay and Fabio Petrillo

Reduce and control complexity is an essential practice in software design. Cyclomatic complexity (CC) is one of the most popular software metrics, applied for more than 40 years. Despite CC is an interesting metric to highlight the number of branches in a program, it clearly not sufficient to represent the complexity in a piece of software. In this paper, we introduce the cross cyclomatic complexity (CCC), a new bi-dimensional complexity measure on graphs that combines the cyclomatic complexity and the weight of a minimum-weight cycle basis in as pair on the Cartesian plan to characterize program complexity using control flow graphs. Our postulates open a new venue to represent program complexity, and we discuss its implications and opportunities.



降低和控制复杂性是软件设计中必不可少的实践。圈复杂度 (CC) 是最流行的软件指标之一,已应用 40 多年。尽管 CC 是一个有趣的指标来突出程序中的分支数量,但它显然不足以表示一个软件的复杂性。在本文中,我们介绍了交叉圈复杂度(CCC),这是一种新的图上的二维复杂度度量,它结合了笛卡尔计划上的圈复杂度和最小权重循环基础的权重,以使用以下方法来表征程序复杂度控制流图。我们的假设开辟了一个新的场所来表示程序的复杂性,我们将讨论其影响和机会。