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Gag clause prevents discussion of assisted dying in Victoria, Australia.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine ( IF 38.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(20)30108-9
Tony Kirby

On June 19, 2019, in Victoria, Australia, came into effect. The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic) allows individuals whose life expectancy is 6 months or less to seek medical assistance to end their life. Patients with certain progressive neurodegenerative conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or motor neuron disease, can apply within 1 year of their expected death. People with conditions that might hinder their decision-making capacity, such as advanced Alzheimer's disease, are excluded, as are people who have a mental illness or disability, without a terminal illness. By Dec 31, 2019, 52 people had voluntarily ended their lives using the new legislation.



2019年6月19日,在澳大利亚维多利亚州生效。《 2017年自愿协助死亡法》(维多利亚州)允许预期寿命为6个月或更短的个人寻求医疗帮助以终止其生命。患有某些进行性神经退行性疾病的患者,例如多发性硬化症或运动神经元疾病,可以在预期死亡后的一年内申请。患有可能妨碍其决策能力的疾病的人,例如晚期阿尔茨海默氏病,以及患有精神疾病或残疾而没有绝症的人也被排除在外。截至2019年12月31日,已有52人自愿通过新立法终止生命。