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Investigating the utility of traditional and genomic multi-locus datasets to resolve relationships in Lipaugus and Tijuca (Cotingidae).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106779
Amie E Settlecowski 1 , Andrés M Cuervo 2 , José G Tello 3 , Michael G Harvey 4 , Robb T Brumfield 5 , Elizabeth P Derryberry 1

Rapid diversification limits our ability to resolve evolutionary relationships and examine diversification history, as in the case of the Neotropical cotingas. Here we present an analysis with complete taxon sampling for the cotinga genera Lipaugus and Tijuca, which include some of the most range-restricted (e.g., T. condita) and also the most widespread and familiar (e.g., L. vociferans) forest birds in the Neotropics. We used two datasets: (1) Sanger sequencing data sampled from eight loci in 34 individuals across all described taxa and (2) sequence capture data linked to 1,079 ultraconserved elements and conserved exons sampled from one or two individuals per species. Phylogenies estimated from the Sanger sequencing data failed to resolve three nodes, but the sequence capture data produced a well-supported tree. Lipaugus and Tijuca formed a single, highly supported clade, but Tijuca species were not sister and were embedded within Lipaugus. A dated phylogeny confirmed Lipaugus and Tijuca diversified rapidly in the Miocene. Our study provides a detailed evolutionary hypothesis for Lipaugus and Tijuca and demonstrates that increasing genomic sampling can prove instrumental in resolving the evolutionary history of recent radiations.



快速多样化限制了我们解决进化关系和审查多样化历史的能力,例如在新热带雨林。在这里,我们提供完整的分类分类取样分析,该分析包括针对Lipaugus和Tijuca的Cotinga属,其中包括一些分布范围最广(例如T. condita)以及最广泛和熟悉的(例如vociferans)林木鸟类。新热带。我们使用了两个数据集:(1)从所有描述的类群中的34个个体中的8个基因座采样的Sanger测序数据,以及(2)与每个物种一个或两个个体采样的1,079个超保守元件和保守外显子相关的序列捕获数据。从Sanger测序数据估计的系统发育无法解析三个节点,但是序列捕获数据产生了一个得到良好支持的树。Lipaugus和Tijuca形成了一个单一的,高度支撑的进化枝,但是Tijuca物种不是姐妹,而是被嵌入Lipaugus中。一个过时的系统发育史证实,中新世的Lipugus和Tijuca迅速多样化。我们的研究为Lipaugus和Tijuca提供了详细的进化假说,并证明增加的基因组采样可以证明在解决近期辐射的进化史方面发挥了作用。