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Annals for Educators - 3 March 2020.
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.7326/awed202003030
Darren B Taichman

Clinical Practice Points

Poxvirus Vectored Cytomegalovirus Vaccine to Prevent Cytomegalovirus Viremia in Transplant Recipients. A Phase 2, Randomized Clinical Trial

Reactivation of latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) in CMV-seropositive recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HCT) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial evaluated the safety and efficacy of a vaccine to prevent CMV viremia in HCT recipients.
Use this study to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners what the donor and recipient risk factors for CMV infection after solid organ transplant are. Use the information in DynaMed: CMV Infection in Solid-organ Transplant Recipients, a benefit of your ACP membership.

  • What symptoms and signs should raise concerns about CMV disease?

  • How is a diagnosis established? How is the disease treated?

  • Can CMV infection be prevented?

  • What are the potential long-term complications of CMV infection among transplant recipients?

Sitters as a Patient Safety Strategy to Reduce Hospital Falls. A Systematic Review

This systematic review examines 20 studies that evaluated whether adding sitters to usual care or using alternatives to sitters (such as video monitors or close observation units) reduced falls in adult patients on general wards of acute care hospitals.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners how big a problem falls are among inpatients at your hospital.

  • How common are falls among hospitalized patients nationally? What are the personal and health system costs? What are the implications for your hospital of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services deeming a fall a “never event”? Use the editorial to help frame your discussion.

  • What strategies are used at your hospital to identify patients at risk for falling? Who is responsible for identifying patients at risk?

  • What strategies are used to prevent falls? Are they effective? How do you know? What did this study find?

  • Do you use “sitters” at your institution? How about restraints? What are the potential benefits and complications with each approach? Invite a leader from your hospital's nursing department to join your discussion.

  • What is the value of a systematic review that finds that the evidence base for a commonly used intervention is not great? In what ways might that be helpful?

Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule, United States, 2020

This article provides immunization recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for adults aged 19 years or older.
Use this paper to:
  • Review the immunization recommendations with your learners.

  • Is there a system in place to ensure identification of patients in need of immunizations in your practice? For which immunizations? What is the approach to others?

  • Ask your learners what has changed since last year's recommendations.

  • What is different in the recommendations for pneumococcal vaccination? Are PCV13 and PPSV23 both routinely recommended? Why the change? How would your learners discuss whether to use PCV13 with their patients?

The Management of Chronic Insomnia Disorder and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Synopsis of the 2019 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guidelines

This synopsis of a 2019 clinical practice guideline addresses management of chronic insomnia disorder and obstructive sleep apnea.
Use this synopsis to:
  • Ask your learners whether they ask patients about insomnia. Should they?

  • What questions do your learners ask when a patient reports problems sleeping? What evaluation should be performed?

  • What should be the approach to management of insomnia? Is cognitive behavioral therapy useful? How do you arrange for it? When is pharmacologic therapy appropriate? Which drugs should be considered, and what are the benefits and risks?

  • Do all patients with possible sleep apnea require an in-laboratory polysomnogram?

In the Clinic

In the Clinic: Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is estimated to affect 2% to 4% of the general population, and the prevalence exceeds 15% in selected clinical groups. It is underdiagnosed. Are your learners prepared to recognize, evaluate, and treat it?
Use this feature to:
  • Ask your learners what they consider when patients complain of chronic, widespread pain.

  • Should “screening” rheumatologic blood markers be tested?

  • How is a diagnosis of fibromyalgia made?

  • What is the role of cognitive behavioral therapy? What about sleep hygiene?

  • Is referral to a specialist required for diagnosis or management?

  • What is the prognosis?

  • Use the provided multiple-choice questions to help introduce topics for discussion. And, sign on to enter your answers to earn CME/MOC credit for yourself!

Humanism and Professionalism

On Being a Doctor: Meaning at the Fingertips

Dr. Quagliarello recalls feeling pride and guilt when his patient remarked, “You're the only one who touches me.”
Use this essay to:
  • Listen to an audio recording, read by Dr. Michael LaCombe.

  • Ask your learners whether they believe too much emphasis is put on the importance of physical examination.

  • Is there value to examining a patient even when it does not lead to a diagnosis or altered management?

  • How might physical examination be harmful? Can it be “therapeutic”?

Teaching Opportunity/CV Builder

Clinical Skills Proposals Wanted for Internal Medicine Meeting 2022

Interested in teaching procedural, physical examination, or communication skills?
The ACP is accepting proposals for hands-on, interactive workshops that focus on the acquisition or improvement of procedural skills, physical examination skills, and communication skills for Internal Medicine 2022, which will be held in Chicago, Illinois, April 28-30, 2022. To submit a proposal, please complete the Clinical Skills Proposal. The deadline to submit proposals is April 24, 2020.

MKSAP 18 Question

A 45-year-old man is hospitalized with a 5-day history of fever, bloody diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Medical history is significant for end-stage kidney disease, for which he underwent kidney transplantation 1 year ago. Medications are prednisone, mycophenolate, and tacrolimus.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal. Conjunctival pallor is present. Abdominal palpation elicits diffuse abdominal pain. The remainder of the examination is unremarkable.

Laboratory studies:

Hemoglobin 9.5 mg/dL (95 g/L) 
Leukocyte count 3400/µL (3.4 × 109/L) 
Platelet count 98,000/µL (98 × 109/L) 
Alanine aminotransferase 99 U/L 
Aspartate aminotransferase 88 U/L 
Creatinine 1.5 mg/dL (133 µmol/L) 
Hemoglobin 9.5 mg/dL (95 g/L) 
Leukocyte count 3400/µL (3.4 × 109/L) 
Platelet count 98,000/µL (98 × 109/L) 
Alanine aminotransferase 99 U/L 
Aspartate aminotransferase 88 U/L 
Creatinine 1.5 mg/dL (133 µmol/L) 
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Cytomegalovirus infection
B. Entamoeba histolytica infection
C. Salmonella enteritidis infection
D. Strongyloides stercoralis infection
Correct Answer
A. Cytomegalovirus infection
Educational Objective
Diagnose cytomegalovirus infection in a solid organ transplant recipient with colitis.
The most likely diagnosis in this patient is cytomegalovirus infection. Approximately 60% to 90% of adults have latent cytomegalovirus infection, with reactivation of disease common in persons who are immunosuppressed (patients with AIDS, transplant recipients, patients taking glucocorticoids). Cytomegalovirus is an important pathogen in kidney transplant recipients, and the risk of cytomegalovirus infection depends on the serologic status of the kidney donor and recipient at the time of transplantation. The highest risk occurs when a seronegative recipient (one who has never had a cytomegalovirus infection) receives a kidney from a seropositive donor. Cytomegalovirus can cause retinitis (especially in persons with AIDS), pneumonitis, hepatitis, bone marrow suppression, colitis with bloody diarrhea, esophagitis, and adrenalitis. This patient recently received a kidney transplant; he has bone marrow suppression (leukopenia and thrombocytopenia), hepatitis (elevated aminotransferase levels), and bloody diarrhea consistent with cytomegalovirus reactivation. Diagnosis relies on isolation of the virus from bodily fluids, such as urine; detection of cytomegalovirus pp65 antigen in leukocytes; cytopathic demonstration of “owl's eye” intracellular inclusions from tissue biopsy (colon in this case) (shown); polymerase chain reaction; and serologic assays. Antiviral treatment is typically indicated in cases of disease reactivation in immunocompromised patients and occasionally in immunocompetent hosts with severe disease. Valganciclovir is the first-line agent and is also used as prophylaxis or pre-emptive therapy in certain transplant patients.
Entamoeba histolytica and Salmonella enteritidis can cause bloody diarrhea, but neither presents with pancytopenia. Therefore, they are unlikely possibilities in a solid organ transplant recipient. Furthermore, E. histolytica would not cause elevated aminotransferase levels in the absence of a liver abscess.
Strongyloides stercoralis is the only parasite that has an autoinfection route (ability to complete its life cycle entirely within the human host) resulting in an increasing burden of parasites that can survive for decades in patients. Disseminated strongyloidiasis after solid organ transplantation can present with abdominal pain and diarrhea, but it is usually nonbloody. Furthermore, disseminated Strongyloides infection may present with sepsis with colonic bacteria, serpiginous rash, meningitis, or eosinophilic pneumonia. All patients scheduled for solid organ transplantation are now screened with a Strongyloides antibody and treated with ivermectin to decrease the incidence of this infection.
Key Point
Latent cytomegalovirus infection is present in 60% to 90% of adults, and patients who are immunosuppressed may experience disease reactivation with retinitis, pneumonitis, hepatitis, bone marrow suppression, colitis with bloody diarrhea, esophagitis, or adrenalitis.
Angarone M, Ison MG. Diarrhea in solid organ transplant recipients. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2015;28:308-16. doi:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000172
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  • 用选择题开始教学课程。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者,实体器官移植后CMV感染的供体和受体危险因素是什么。使用DynaMed:实体器官移植接受者中的CMV感染中的信息,这是ACP成员资格的一项好处。

  • 哪些症状和体征应引起对CMV疾病的关注?

  • 如何建立诊断?该病如何治疗?

  • 可以预防CMV感染吗?

  • 移植受者中CMV感染的潜在长期并发症是什么?


  • 询问您的学习者,您医院的住院患者中有多严重的问题。

  • 全国住院患者中跌倒的情况有多普遍?个人和卫生系统的费用是多少?联邦医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心将跌倒视为“从未发生”会给您的医院带来什么影响?使用社论来帮助您进行讨论。

  • 您的医院使用什么策略来识别有跌倒风险的患者?谁负责识别有风险的患者?

  • 有什么策略可以防止跌倒?他们有效吗?你怎么知道的?这项研究发现了什么?

  • 您在机构中使用“保姆”吗?束缚如何?每种方法的潜在好处和并发症是什么?邀请您医院护理部门的负责人参加您的讨论。

  • 如果发现通常的干预措施的证据基础不完善,那么系统评价的价值何在?在哪些方面有帮助?


  • 与您的学习者复习免疫建议。

  • 是否有一个系统可以确保在您的实践中识别需要免疫的患者?哪些免疫?对他人的处理方式是什么?

  • 问您的学习者自去年的建议以来发生了什么变化。

  • 关于肺炎球菌疫苗接种的建议有何不同?是否常规建议同时使用PCV13和PPSV23?为什么要改变?您的学习者将如何与患者讨论是否使用PCV13?


  • 询问您的学习者是否向患者询问失眠情况。应该吗

  • 当患者报告睡眠问题时,您的学习者会问什么问题?应该执行什么评估?

  • 失眠的治疗方法应该是什么?认知行为疗法有用吗?您如何安排呢?什么时候适合药物治疗?应该考虑使用哪种药物,其益处和风险是什么?

  • 是否所有可能出现睡眠呼吸暂停的患者都需要进行实验室多导睡眠图检查?



  • 询问您的学习者,当患者抱怨慢性广泛性疼痛时,他们会考虑什么。

  • 是否应“筛查”风湿性血液标志物?

  • 纤维肌痛如何诊断?

  • 认知行为疗法的作用是什么?睡眠卫生如何?

  • 诊断或管理需要转介专家吗?

  • 预后如何?

  • 使用提供的多项选择题可以帮助介绍讨论主题。并且,登录并输入答案即可自己赚取CME / MOC积分!



  • 收听录音,由Michael LaCombe博士朗读。

  • 询问您的学习者,他们是否认为过分强调身体检查的重要性。

  • 即使没有导致诊断或改变治疗方法,对患者进行检查是否有价值?

  • 身体检查会如何有害?可以“治疗”吗?




MKSAP 18问题



血红蛋白 9.5毫克/分升(95克/升) 
白细胞计数 3400 / µL(3.4×10 9 /升) 
血小板计数 98,000 / µL(98×10 9 /升) 
丙氨酸氨基转移酶 99单位 
天冬氨酸转氨酶 88 U / L 
肌酐 1.5 mg / dL(133 µmol / L) 
血红蛋白 9.5毫克/分升(95克/升) 
白细胞计数 3400 / µL(3.4×10 9 /升) 
血小板计数 98,000 / µL(98×10 9 /升) 
丙氨酸氨基转移酶 99单位 
天冬氨酸转氨酶 88 U / L 
肌酐 1.5 mg / dL(133 µmol / L) 
Angarone M,Ison MG。实体器官移植受者的腹泻。Curr Opin感染疾病。2015; 28:308-16。doi:10.1097 / QCO.0000000000000172