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Selective collection of recyclable waste in Universities of low-middle income countries: Lessons learned in Bolivia.
Waste Management ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.02.014
Navarro Ferronato 1 , Edith Gabriela Guisbert Lizarazu 2 , Jorge Marcelo Velasco Tudela 3 , Jimena Karen Blanco Callisaya 2 , Gianluca Preziosi 4 , Vincenzo Torretta 1

The implementation of solid waste selective collection (SC) systems is quite difficult in low-middle income countries. Lack of awareness, infrastructure, administrative support and knowledge about recycling are the main barriers for its operation, reducing the possibility of successes. This paper introduces the methodological approach for assessing a recyclable waste SC project in a Bolivian public University. The waste fractions generated before (2016) and after (2019) the action were assessed, as well as the opinion and knowledge of the students, providing reliable indicators of the improvements and benefits obtained. Results of the waste characterization analysis reported that, after one month of implementation of the system, about 15 kg of plastic and 37.1 kg of paper and cardboard were collected, about 8 wt% and 42.9 wt% of the recyclable waste produced. At the same time, the questionnaire survey allows demonstrating that the SC behavior of the students improved considerably from 2018 to 2019, (t[608] = -7.654, p < 0.05***), as well as the satisfaction about the waste collection service provided (t[608] = -6.6224, p < 0.05***) and about the diffusion of information with awareness campaigns (t[608] = -8.708, p < 0.05***). The project and the phases followed for its implementation can be of reference for other local and international stakeholders, for replicating the study in other Universities and public areas. The novelty of the study is the introduction of a step by step methodology for assessing the SC of recyclable waste for supporting the recycling policies of developing cities in low-middle income countries and for boosting sustainable development according to the principle of the circular economy.



在中低收入国家,实施固体废物选择性收集(SC)系统非常困难。缺乏意识,基础设施,行政支持和有关回收的知识是其运营的主要障碍,从而降低了成功的可能性。本文介绍了一种评估玻利维亚公立大学可回收废物SC项目的方法学方法。评估了该行动之前(2016年)和之后(2019年)产生的废物比例,以及学生的意见和知识,为改进和所获得的收益提供了可靠的指标。废物特征分析的结果报告说,实施该系统一个月后,收集到约15千克塑料和37.1千克纸和纸板,分别占8重量%和42%。产生了9 wt%的可回收废物。同时,问卷调查表明,从2018年到2019年,学生的SC行为得到了显着改善(t [608] = -7.654,p <0.05 ***),以及对垃圾收集的满意度提供的服务(t [608] = -6.6224,p <0.05 ***),以及通过意识运动进行的信息传播(t [608] = -8.708,p <0.05 ***)。该项目及其实施阶段将为其他本地和国际利益相关者提供参考,以在其他大学和公共领域推广这项研究。