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Out of sight
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aba5372
F. Robert van der Linden 1

A historian investigates the Cold War competition to create an invisible aircraft Since the beginning of aerial combat, designers have attempted to make aircraft invisible. With each advance, however, other technologists have developed better methods for detecting covert combatants. Although scientists and engineers worked on both sides of this difficult problem for years, it was not until the 1970s that the creation of an aircraft invisible to radar became more than a mere possibility. In his new book, Stealth, Peter Westwick argues that the solution was the product of a host of special circumstances, fortuitous geography, and the aggregation of thousands of innovative and highly skilled individuals in Southern California.



一位历史学家调查冷战竞赛以制造隐形飞机 自从空战开始以来,设计师就试图使飞机隐形。然而,随着每一次进步,其他技术人员已经开发出更好的方法来检测秘密战斗人员。尽管科学家和工程师多年来一直致力于解决这个难题,但直到 1970 年代,制造雷达不可见的飞机才成为可能。在他的新书 Stealth 中,Peter Westwick 认为解决方案是一系列特殊情况、偶然的地理环境以及南加州数千名创新和高技能个人聚集的产物。