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Minimising the environmental impact of inhaled therapies: problems with policy on low carbon inhalers
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00048-2020
Duncan Keeley 1 , Jane E Scullion 2 , Omar S Usmani 3

As global citizens, we have a duty to reduce the serious threats posed to planetary well-being and population health by environmental degradation and climate change. These now unquestionable threats to our future are due to human population growth and the resource consumption patterns of the human race. In tandem, as healthcare professionals, we should seek the best possible outcomes of our treatment for our patients and we need to consider equity between different groups of patients. In the speciality of respiratory medicine, the current controversy over how to deal with the role in global warming of the propellants used in pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) is a very pressing example of how these sometimes conflicting imperatives confront us in our daily practice. Uncritical implementation of policy risks deterioration in patient inhaler choice http://bit.ly/2RluJti



作为全球公民,我们有责任减少环境退化和气候变化对地球福祉和人口健康构成的严重威胁。这些现在对我们未来毫无疑问的威胁是由于人口增长和人类的资源消耗模式。同时,作为医疗保健专业人员,我们应该为我们的患者寻求最佳治疗结果,我们需要考虑不同患者群体之间的公平性。在呼吸医学专业中,目前关于如何处理加压计量吸入器 (pMDI) 中使用的推进剂在全球变暖中的作用的争论是一个非常紧迫的例子,说明这些有时相互冲突的必要性如何在我们的日常实践中面对我们。