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Spatial distribution of birds and terrestrial plants in Bunger Hills
Antarctic Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954102020000012
Michelle R. Leishman , John A.E. Gibson , Damian B. Gore

In this paper, we synthesize recorded observations of moss, lichen and bird species in Bunger Hills, East Antarctica, and assess the role of environmental controls, including sediment, salinity, moisture and geology, on species' distributions. The distribution of snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) appears to be associated with geology; they nest by preference in crevices in bedrock outcrops around the margins of the hills or wherever jointed cliffs are found. South polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) are seen throughout Bunger Hills, where they nest and prey on snow petrels. Mosses and lichens were most abundant around the ice margins where fresh snow and ice meltwater are abundant. In the central area of Bunger Hills, where the highest salt concentration in sediments is found and exposure to abrasion by wind-driven mineral sand grains and ice particles is greatest, mosses and lichens are reduced in abundance and diversity. Exposure of parts of Bunger Hills from the ice sheet throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, c. 20 ka bp, means that some land and lakes could have acted as regional refugia and as a locus of recolonization of other ice-free areas.



在本文中,我们综合了对南极洲东部邦格山的苔藓、地衣和鸟类物种的记录观察,并评估了环境控制(包括沉积物、盐度、水分和地质)对物种分布的作用。雪燕分布(妮维雅宝塔)似乎与地质有关;它们喜欢在山丘边缘或发现有节理的悬崖的基岩露头的裂缝中筑巢。南极贼鸥 (通心粉) 在整个邦格山都可以看到,它们在那里筑巢并捕食雪海燕。新鲜的雪和冰融水丰富的冰缘周围苔藓和地衣最为丰富。在邦格山的中部地区,沉积物中盐分浓度最高,受风驱动的矿砂颗粒和冰粒磨损的影响最大,苔藓和地衣的丰度和多样性都减少了。在整个末次盛冰期期间,Bunger Hills 的部分地区从冰盖中暴露出来,C。20卡bp,意味着一些土地和湖泊可以作为区域避难所和其他无冰区重新殖民化的场所。