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Mineralogy of a rare earth element-rich Manchester coal lithotype, Clay County, Kentucky
International Journal of Coal Geology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2020.103413
James C. Hower , Dali Qian , Nicolas J. Briot , Madison M. Hood , Cortland F. Eble

Abstract Many Eastern Kentucky coals have high-REE contents, with lithotypes of the Pennsylvanian-age Manchester coal rivaling some of the richest concentrations in the Fire Clay coal, arguably the premier resource in terms of concentration and aerial extent. A > 2000-ppm-REE + Y (REY; ash basis; 2.13% ash) Manchester coal lithotype, analyzed first by scanning electron microscopy, was selected for detailed transmission electron microscopy/ energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy/ fast Fourier transform/ selected area electron diffraction investigation (TEM/EDS/FFT/SAED). The mineral grains extracted from the coal, seemingly fragments of one or more 2- to 3-μm spherical nodules, proved to have a phosphate (rhabdophane?) rim with a light REE (La through Sm) and Gd association. The core of the nodule and the region surrounding the nodule is Al Si rich but the mineralogy could not be determined. The nodule may be a mineralized coprolite, the product of the microfauna inhabiting the peat.



摘要 许多东肯塔基煤具有高稀土元素含量,宾夕法尼亚时代曼彻斯特煤的岩型可与火粘土煤中一些最丰富的浓度相媲美,可以说是浓度和空中范围方面的首要资源。A > 2000-ppm-REE + Y(REY;灰基;2.13% 灰分)曼彻斯特煤岩型,首先通过扫描电子显微镜分析,被选中用于详细的透射电子显微镜/能量色散 X 射线光谱/快速傅里叶变换/选择区域电子衍射研究 (TEM/EDS/FFT/SAED)。从煤中提取的矿物颗粒,似乎是一个或多个 2 到 3 微米球形结核的碎片,被证明具有磷酸盐(横纹二烯?)边缘,并带有轻稀土元素(La 到 Sm)和 Gd 组合。结核的核心和结核周围的区域富含铝硅,但无法确定矿物学。结核可能是矿化粪化石,是居住在泥炭中的微型动物的产物。