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Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with quantum scissors
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1109/jstqe.2020.2964395
Masoud Ghalaii , Carlo Ottaviani , Rupesh Kumar , Stefano Pirandola , Mohsen Razavi

We investigate the use of quantum scissors, as candidates for non-deterministic amplifiers, in continuous-variable quantum key distribution. Such devices rely on single-photon sources for their operation and as such, they do not necessarily preserve the Guassianity of the channel. Using exact analytical modeling for the system components, we bound the secret key generation rate for a protocol that uses quantum scissors. We find that, for certain non-zero values of excess noise, such a protocol can reach longer distances than the counterpart with no amplification. This sheds light into the prospect of using quantum scissors as an ingredient in continuous-variable quantum repeaters.


