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Exploration of the functionality of sugars in cake-baking, and effects on cake quality.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ( IF 10.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1729694
Louise Slade 1 , Meera Kweon 2 , Harry Levine 1

This review paper describes our exploratory experimental studies on the functionality of sucrose and other sugars in cake-baking, and effects on cake quality. We have used the American Association of Cereal Chemists Method 10-90.01 as a base cake-baking method, and have applied Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Rapid Visco-Analyzer, and time-lapse photography analyses in experimental design studies of the effects of the following ingredient and formulation variables on cake quality (e.g. texture, color, moisture content) and other finished-product properties (e.g. shape, dimensions): (a) cake formula levels of sucrose and water, in terms of %Sucrose and Total Solvent; (b) concentration of sucrose or other sugars (e.g. xylose, ribose, fructose, glucose, maltose, polydextrose) vs. wheat flour starch gelatinization temperature and starch pasting during baking and gluten development during mixing; (c) unchlorinated flour vs. chlorinated flours (of varying pH); (d) cake formula %Sucrose and TS vs. cake color, shape, and dimensions; (e) cakes formulated with sucrose or other sugars (i.e. xylose, fructose, glucose), and variable %S and TS, and unchlorinated or chlorinated flour (pH 4.6), vs. cake color, shape, and dimensions.



这篇综述文章描述了我们对蛋糕烘焙中蔗糖和其他糖类功能以及对蛋糕质量的影响的探索性实验研究。我们将美国谷物化学家协会的方法10-90.01作为基本的蛋糕烘焙方法,并在以下设计的实验设计研究中应用了差示扫描量热法,快速粘度分析仪和延时摄影分析以及蛋糕质量(例如质地,颜色,水分含量)和其他成品特性(例如形状,尺寸)的配方变量:(a)蔗糖和水的蛋糕配方水平,以%蔗糖和总溶剂计;(b)蔗糖或其他糖类(例如木糖,核糖,果糖,葡萄糖,麦芽糖,聚葡萄糖)的浓度。小麦粉的淀粉糊化温度和烘烤过程中的淀粉糊化以及混合过程中的面筋发展; (c)未氯化面粉与氯化面粉(pH值不同)的关系;(d)蛋糕配方的蔗糖和TS与蛋糕颜色,形状和尺寸的关系;(e)用蔗糖或其他糖(例如木糖,果糖,葡萄糖)和可变的%S和TS以及未氯化或氯化面粉(pH 4.6)配制的蛋糕,与蛋糕的颜色,形状和尺寸有关。