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Cooperation of combinatorial solvers for en-route conflict resolution
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2020.01.004
Ruixin Wang , Richard Alligier , Cyril Allignol , Nicolas Barnier , Nicolas Durand , Alexandre Gondran

One of the key challenges towards more automation in Air Traffic Control is the resolution of en-route conflicts. In this article we present a generic framework for the conflict resolution problem that clearly separates the trajectory and conflict models from the resolution. It is able to handle any kind of maneuver and detection models, though we propose our own realistic 3D maneuvers and conflict detection that takes into account uncertainties on the positioning of aircraft. Based on these models, realistic scenarios are built, for which potential conflicts are detected using an efficient GPU-based algorithm. The resulting instances of the conflict resolution problem are provided to the community as a public benchmark.

To efficiently solve this problem, we also introduce a generic framework for the cooperation of optimization algorithms. The framework benefits from the various optimization algorithms plugged to it by sharing relevant information among them, and is implemented as a distributed application for better performance. We illustrate its behavior on the conflict resolution problem with the cooperation between a Memetic Algorithm and an Integer Linear Program which consistently outperforms previous approaches by orders of magnitude. Instances with up to 60 aircraft are optimally solved within a few minutes using this framework, while each algorithm taken individually only provides sub-optimal solutions. This cooperative approach thus seems appropriate for application in a real-time context.




为了有效解决此问题,我们还介绍了用于优化算法协作的通用框架。该框架通过在它们之间共享相关信息而受益于插入的各种优化算法,并被实现为分布式应用程序以提高性能。我们通过Memetic算法和Integer Linear Program之间的协作来说明其在冲突解决问题上的行为,该行为始终比以前的方法好几个数量级。使用此框架,可以在几分钟之内最佳解决多达60架飞机的实例,而单独采用的每种算法仅提供次优解决方案。因此,这种协作方法似乎适用于实时环境。
