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Spirituality and mental health: challenges and opportunities.
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30048-1
David H Rosmarin 1 , Kenneth I Pargament 2 , Harold G Koenig 3

Spirituality encompasses connection—religious or otherwise—with a non-physical reality as perceived by the individual. Sigmund Freud famously considered this domain a form of neurosis. Although others such as Carl Jung, Viktor Frankl, and William James had more favourable opinions, spirituality remains at the side lines of mental health science to this day. Private and philanthropic foundations are the largest supporters of research on spirituality and mental health, as federal agencies in almost all developed countries, including the USA and UK, have yet to issue any formal requests for funding proposals. Yet, 84% of the world's population is religiously affiliated, and 68% of unaffiliated individuals believe in a higher power. No other social phenomenon is so widespread, yet all but ignored by academic psychiatry.



精神包括宗教或其他方面与个人所感知的非物质现实的联系。西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)著名地认为此域是神经症的一种形式。尽管卡尔·荣格(Carl Jung),维克多·弗兰克(Viktor Frankl)和威廉·詹姆斯(William James)等其他人持有更积极的看法,但灵性至今仍是心理健康科学的副业。私人基金会和慈善基金会是灵性和心理健康研究的最大支持者,因为几乎所有发达国家(包括美国和英国)的联邦机构都尚未正式提出任何资助申请。但是,世界人口中84%的人是宗教信仰者,而68%的不隶属者则信仰更高的权力。没有其他社会现象如此普遍,但是学术精神病学却几乎忽略了它。