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De novo discovery of metabolic heterogeneity with immunophenotype-guided imaging mass spectrometry.
Molecular Metabolism ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2020.01.017
Verena M Prade 1 , Thomas Kunzke 1 , Annette Feuchtinger 1 , Maria Rohm 2 , Birgit Luber 3 , Florian Lordick 4 , Achim Buck 1 , Axel Walch 1


Imaging mass spectrometry enables in situ label-free detection of thousands of metabolites from intact tissue samples. However, automated steps for multi-omics analyses and interpretation of histological images have not yet been implemented in mass spectrometry data analysis workflows. The characterization of molecular properties within cellular and histological features is done via time-consuming, non-objective, and irreproducible definitions of regions of interest, which are often accompanied by a loss of spatial resolution due to mass spectra averaging.

Methods: We developed a new imaging pipeline called Spatial Correlation Image Analysis (SPACiAL), which is a computational multimodal workflow designed to combine molecular imaging data with multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC). SPACiAL allows comprehensive and spatially resolved in situ correlation analyses on a cellular resolution. To demonstrate the method, matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI) Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) imaging mass spectrometry of metabolites and multiplex IHC staining were performed on the very same tissue section of mouse pancreatic islets and on human gastric cancer tissue specimens. The SPACiAL pipeline was used to perform an automatic, semantic-based, functional tissue annotation of histological and cellular features to identify metabolic profiles. Spatial correlation networks were generated to analyze metabolic heterogeneity associated with cellular features.

Results: To demonstrate the new method, the SPACiAL pipeline was used to identify metabolic signatures of alpha and beta cells within islets of Langerhans, which are cell types that are not distinguishable via morphology alone. The semantic-based, functional tissue annotation allows an unprecedented analysis of metabolic heterogeneity via the generation of spatial correlation networks. Additionally, we demonstrated intra- and intertumoral metabolic heterogeneity within HER2/neu-positive and -negative gastric tumor cells.

Conclusions: We developed the SPACiAL workflow to provide IHC-guided in situ metabolomics on intact tissue sections. Diminishing the workload by automated recognition of histological and functional features, the pipeline allows comprehensive analyses of metabolic heterogeneity. The multimodality of immunohistochemical staining and extensive molecular information from imaging mass spectrometry has the advantage of increasing both the efficiency and precision for spatially resolved analyses of specific cell types. The SPACiAL method is a stepping stone for the objective analysis of high-throughput, multi-omics data from clinical research and practice that is required for diagnostics, biomarker discovery, or therapy response prediction.






结果:为了证明该新方法,使用了SPACiAL管道来识别Langerhans胰岛中的α和β细胞的代谢特征,这是不能单独通过形态学区分的细胞类型。基于语义的功能组织注释可通过生成空间相关网络对代谢异质性进行前所未有的分析。此外,我们证明了HER2 / neu阳性和阴性胃肿瘤细胞内和瘤内代谢异质性。

