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Time in the Rock: A field guide to interpreting past events and processes from a fragmentary siliciclastic archive
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103121
John M. Holbrook , Andrew D. Miall

Abstract Converging research in modern environments, stratigraphy, numerical modeling, and physical experiments introduce new ideas and reinforce prior thinking on the complex and partial nature of the stratigraphic record. Through different vantages they each ask the question, ‘what does the rock record actually record?’ These studies show the stratigraphic record to be highly incomplete across multiple time scales. They focus new attention on the inverse relationship that was long ago demonstrated by Sadler (1981) between calculated sedimentation rates and the time span of the sections over which the measurements are made. Similarly, these studies note only parts of past processes and events make the final stratigraphic cut. Deep questions about the stratigraphic record remain. Which processes and events preserve? How are these processes and events recorded? What processes govern preferences for preservation of one deposit over another? What is the overall completeness of the stratigraphic recorded? In short, exactly how representative is the stratigraphic record of the geologic past? Despite all these caveats, stratigraphy still appears to preserve a robust record of past time and process. This paper explores current thinking on the sampling processes that build sedimentary deposits, controls on how much and what part of these deposits are preserved, and the interplay between autogenic and allogenic processes over the range of geological time scales. The paper offers a series of guidelines for field geologists attempting to interpret siliciclastic deposits in light of the evolving complex view and limited completeness for the stratigraphic record.



摘要 在现代环境、地层学、数值建模和物理实验中的融合研究引入了新的想法并加强了对地层记录的复杂性和局部性的先验思考。他们从不同的角度提出问题,“摇滚唱片实际上记录了什么?” 这些研究表明,地层记录在多个时间尺度上都非常不完整。他们将新的注意力集中在萨德勒 (1981) 很久以前证明的计算沉降速率与进行测量的部分的时间跨度之间的反比关系上。类似地,这些研究仅注意到过去过程和事件的一部分构成了最终的地层切割。关于地层记录的深刻问题仍然存在。保留哪些流程和事件?这些过程和事件是如何记录的?哪些程序控制着保存一个存款而不是另一个?地层记录的整体完整性如何?简而言之,地质历史的地层记录究竟有多大代表性?尽管有这些警告,地层学似乎仍然保留了过去时间和过程的可靠记录。本文探讨了当前对沉积沉积物取样过程的思考,控制这些沉积物的保存量和保存部分,以及在地质时间尺度范围内自生和异生过程之间的相互作用。