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A new mineral borisenkoite, Cu3[(V,As)O4]2, and the isomorphous series borisenkoite–lammerite-β in fumarolic exhalations of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s00269-020-01081-y
Igor V. Pekov , Natalia V. Zubkova , Vasiliy O. Yapaskurt , Yury S. Polekhovsky , Marina F. Vigasina , Sergey N. Britvin , Anna G. Turchkova , Evgeny G. Sidorov , Dmitry Yu. Pushcharovsky

The new mineral borisenkoite Cu3[(V,As)O4]2 was found in sublimates of the Yadovitaya fumarole at the Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. Associated minerals are sanidine, hematite, lammerite, lammerite-β, bradaczekite, zincobradaczekite, mcbirneyite, pseudolyonsite, lyonsite, starovaite, tenorite, rutile, tripuhyite, pseudobrookite, piypite, langbeinite, calciolangbeinite, aphthitalite, alumoklyuchevskite, palmierite, cupromolybdite, and corundum. Borisenkoite forms (1) prismatic crystals (up to 0.04 × 0.04 × 0.10 mm3) usually combined in clusters up to 0.4 mm and (2) rims up to 0.05 mm in width around lammerite. Borisenkoite is red-brown, golden-brown or brown, with strong greasy to adamantine lustre. Dcalc is 4.69 g·cm−3. Chemical composition (wt.%, electron-microprobe) is: CuO 53.25, ZnO 1.13, Fe2O3 0.16, P2O5 0.05, V2O5 25.06, As2O5 20.44, total 100.07. The empirical formula, based on 8 O apfu, is: (Cu2.94Zn0.06Fe0.01)Σ3.01(V1.21As0.78)Σ1.99O8. Borisenkoite is monoclinic, P21/c, a 6.3779(7), b 8.6021(9), c 11.3597(11) Å, β 92.013(8)º, V 622.84(11) Å3 and Z = 4. The strongest reflections in the powder XRD pattern [d,Å(I)(hkl)] are: 4.309(48)(− 102, 020), 3.424(40)(022, − 121), 2.994(48)(113, 210), 2.917(50)(− 211), 2.830(100)(004), 2.782(92)(031) and 2.568(38)(123). The crystal structure was solved from single-crystal XRD data and refined to R = 0.0654. Borisenkoite is isotypic with lammerite-β. They form a limited solid-solution series extended from Cu3(AsO4)2 to Cu3(V1.5As0.5)O8, with gap between Cu3(As1.75V0.25)O8 and Cu3(As1.25V0.75)O8. The assumption that As5+ can stabilize borisenkoite structure is the reason to propose the simplified formula Cu3[(V,As)O4]2 avoiding the formal end-member formula Cu3(VO4)2. Borisenkoite is named in honour of the Russian geochemist, mineralogist, and geologist Leonid Fedorovich Borisenko (1922–2000).


俄罗斯堪察加半岛托尔巴奇克火山喷气呼出物中的一种新矿物硼酸钙石、Cu3[(V,As)O4]2 和同晶系列硼酸锌矿-lammerite-β

在俄罗斯堪察加半岛托尔巴奇克火山大托尔巴奇克裂隙喷发北部突破的第二个火山渣锥的亚多维塔亚喷气孔升华物中发现了新矿物硼酸钙石Cu3[(V,As)O4]2。伴生矿物有闪石、赤铁矿、菱镁矿、菱镁矿-β、布拉方锌矿、锌布拉锌矿、麦克伯尼石、假菱锌矿、lyonsite、starovaite、tenorite、金红石、tripuhyite、pseudobrookite、piypite、langbeinite、calciolangbeinite、铜辉绿玉、铜辉绿石、铜磷铝石、a。Borisenkoite 形成 (1) 棱柱状晶体(最大 0.04 × 0.04 × 0.10 mm3),通常组合成最大 0.4 mm 的簇,以及 (2) 围绕菱镁矿的宽度最大为 0.05 mm 的边缘。Borisenkoite 呈红棕色、金棕色或棕色,具有强烈的油脂至金刚光泽。Dcalc 是 4.69 g·cm-3。化学成分 (wt.%, 电子探针)为:CuO 53.25、ZnO 1.13、Fe2O3 0.16、P2O5 0.05、V2O5 25.06、As2O5 20.44,共计100.07。基于 8 O apfu 的经验公式为:(Cu2.94Zn0.06Fe0.01)Σ3.01(V1.21As0.78)Σ1.99O8。Borisenkoite 是单斜晶系,P21/c,a 6.3779(7),b 8.6021(9),c 11.3597(11) Å,β 92.013(8)º,V 622.84(11) Å3 和 Z = 4。粉末 XRD 图谱 [d,Å(I)(hkl)] 为:4.309(48)(− 102, 020), 3.424(40)(022, − 121), 2.994(48)(113, 210), 2.917( 50)(- 211)、2.830(100)(004)、2.782(92)(031) 和 2.568(38)(123)。晶体结构是从单晶 XRD 数据中解析出来的,并精制到 R = 0.0654。Borisenkoite 与 lammerite-β 同型。它们形成了从 Cu3(AsO4)2 扩展到 Cu3(V1.5As0.5)O8 的有限固溶体系列,在 Cu3(As1.75V0.25)O8 和 Cu3(As1.25V0.75)O8 之间存在间隙。As5+ 可以稳定硼酸锌结构的假设是提出简化公式 Cu3[(V,As)O4]2 的原因,避免了正式的端元公式 Cu3(VO4)2。Borisenkoite 的名字是为了纪念俄罗斯地球化学家、矿物学家和地质学家 Leonid Fedorovich Borisenko (1922–2000)。