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Reproductive cycle progression arrest and modification of cell morphology (shape and biovolume) in the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata exposed to metolachlor.
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105449
Manuela D Machado 1 , Eduardo V Soares 1

Metolachlor (MET) is an herbicide widely used and frequently found (at μg L-1) in aquatic systems. This work aimed to study the modes of action of MET on the green microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Algae exposed to 115 or 235 μg L-1 MET, for 48 or 72 h, presented a reduction of metabolic activity, chlorophyll a and b content and photosynthetic efficiency. The exposure to 115 or 235 μg L-1 MET also induced growth yield reduction, mean cell biovolume increase and alteration of the typical algae shape (cells lunate or helically twisted) to "French croissant"-type; at these MET concentrations, algal population was mainly composed by multinucleated cells (≥ 4 nuclei), which suggest that MET impairs the normal progression of the reproductive cycle but did not hinder nuclear division. The accumulation of multinucleated cells seems to be the consequence of the incapacity of the parent cell to release the autospores. In conclusion, MET disrupts the physiology of P. subcapitata cells; the disturbance of the progression of the reproductive cycle should be in the origin of growth slowdown (or even its arrest), increase of mean cell biovolume and modification of algal shape. This work contributed to elucidate, in a systematically and integrated way, the toxic mechanism of MET on the non-target organism, the alga P. subcapitata.



甲草胺(MET)是一种除草剂,在水生系统中广泛使用并经常发现(以L-1 L计)。这项工作旨在研究MET对绿色微藻次生假单胞菌的作用方式。暴露于115或235μgL-1 MET的藻类持续48或72 h,其代谢活性,叶绿素a和b含量以及光合效率降低。暴露于115或235μgL-1 MET还会导致生长产量降低,平均细胞生物量增加以及典型的藻类形状(细胞呈月牙形或螺旋形扭曲)变为“法国羊角面包”型;在这些MET浓度下,藻类种群主要由多核细胞(≥4个核)组成,这表明MET损害了生殖周期的正常进程,但没有阻碍核分裂。多核细胞的积累似乎是亲本细胞不能释放自孢子的结果。综上所述,MET破坏了人头下单胞菌细胞的生理。生殖周期进程的紊乱应源于生长减慢(甚至停滞),平均细胞生物量增加和藻类形状改变的起源。这项工作有助于系统地,综合地阐明MET对非靶标生物藻亚次生藻的毒性机理。平均细胞生物量的增加和藻类形状的改变。这项工作有助于系统地,综合地阐明MET对非靶标生物藻亚次生藻的毒性机理。平均细胞生物量的增加和藻类形状的改变。这项工作有助于系统地和综合地阐明MET对非靶标生物藻类次生藻的毒性机制。