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Degenerate Turán densities of sparse hypergraphs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcta.2020.105228
Chong Shangguan , Itzhak Tamo

For fixed integers r>k2,e3, let fr(n,er(e1)k,e) be the maximum number of edges in an r-uniform hypergraph in which the union of any e distinct edges contains at least er(e1)k+1 vertices. A classical result of Brown, Erdős and Sós in 1973 showed that fr(n,er(e1)k,e)=Θ(nk). The degenerate Turán density is defined to be the limit (if it exists)π(r,k,e):=limnfr(n,er(e1)k,e)nk. Extending a recent result of Glock for the special case of r=3,k=2,e=3, we show thatπ(r,2,3):=limnfr(n,3r4,3)n2=1r2r1 for arbitrary fixed r4. For the more general cases r>k3, we manage to show1rkrliminfnfr(n,3r2k,3)nklimsupnfr(n,3r2k,3)nk1k!(rk)k!2, where the gap between the upper and lower bounds are small for rk.

The main difficulties in proving these results are the constructions establishing the lower bounds. The first construction is recursive and purely combinatorial, and is based on a (carefully designed) approximate induced decomposition of the complete graph, whereas the second construction is algebraic, and is proved by a newly defined matrix property which we call strongly 3-perfect hashing.



对于固定整数 [R>ķ2Ë3,让 F[RñË[R-Ë-1个ķËr均匀超图中的最大边数,其中任何e个不同边的并集至少包含Ë[R-Ë-1个ķ+1个顶点。布朗,埃尔德斯和索斯在1973年的经典结果表明:F[RñË[R-Ë-1个ķË=Θñķ。退化的图兰密度定义为极限(如果存在)π[RķË=ñF[RñË[R-Ë-1个ķËñķ 扩展了Glock的最新结果,用于特殊情况下 [R=3ķ=2Ë=3,我们证明π[R23=ñF[Rñ3[R-43ñ2=1个[R2-[R-1个 对于任意固定 [R4。对于更一般的情况[R>ķ3,我们设法证明1个[Rķ-[R信息ñF[Rñ3[R-2ķ3ñķSUPñF[Rñ3[R-2ķ3ñķ1个ķ[Rķ-ķ2 上下限之间的间隙较小 [Rķ

证明这些结果的主要困难是确定下界的构造。第一个结构是递归的和纯的组合,并且基于(精心设计)近似引起的完全图的分解,而第二结构是代数,由我们称之为新定义的矩阵属性证明强烈3 -完美散列
