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Diet aid or aid to die: an update on 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) use as a weight-loss product.
Archives of Toxicology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s00204-020-02675-9
Daniela Sousa 1 , Helena Carmo 1 , Rita Roque Bravo 1 , Félix Carvalho 1 , Maria de Lourdes Bastos 1 , Paula Guedes de Pinho 1 , Diana Dias da Silva 1

During the last decades, we have witnessed unparalleled changes in human eating habits and lifestyle, intensely influenced by cultural and social pressures. Sports practice became strongly implemented in daily routines, and visits to the gym peaked, driven by the indulgence in intensive 'weight-loss programs'. The pledge of boasting a healthy and beautiful body instigates the use of very attractive 'fat burners', which are purportedly advertised as safe products, easily available in the market and expected to quickly reduce body weight. In this context, the slimming properties of 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) galvanised its use as a weight-loss product, despite the drug ban for human consumption in many countries since 1938, due to its adverse effects. The main symptoms associated with 2,4-DNP intoxication, including hyperthermia, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, and acute renal failure, motivated a worldwide warning, issued by the Interpol Anti-Doping Unit in 2015, reinforcing its hazard. Information on the effects of 2,4-DNP mainly derive from the intoxication cases reported by emergency care units, for which there is no specific antidote or treatment. This review provides a comprehensive update on 2,4-DNP use, legislation and epidemiology, chemistry and analytical methodologies for drug determination in commercial products and biological samples, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, toxicological effects, and intoxication diagnosis and management.



在过去的几十年中,我们目睹了人类饮食习惯和生活方式的空前变化,这些变化在文化和社会压力的强烈影响下。由于沉迷于密集的“减肥计划”,体育锻炼在日常生活中得到了强有力的实施,去健身房的次数达到了顶峰。拥有健康美丽身体的承诺促使人们使用非常有吸引力的“脂肪燃烧器”,据称这些产品被宣传为安全产品,在市场上很容易买到,并有望迅速减轻体重。在这种情况下,尽管自 1938 年以来许多国家禁止人类食用药物,但由于其副作用,2,4-二硝基苯酚 (2,4-DNP) 的减肥特性促使其用作减肥产品。与 2,4-DNP 中毒相关的主要症状,包括高热、心动过速、血压下降和急性肾功能衰竭引发了国际刑警组织反兴奋剂部门于 2015 年发布的全球警告,强化了其危害。有关 2,4-DNP 影响的信息主要来自急诊科报告的中毒病例,对此没有特定的解毒剂或治疗方法。本综述全面更新了 2,4-DNP 的使用、立法和流行病学、商业产品和生物样品中药物测定的化学和分析方法、药代动力学和药效学、毒理学效应以及中毒诊断和管理。4-DNP主要来源于急诊科报告的中毒病例,对此没有特效解毒剂或治疗方法。本综述全面更新了 2,4-DNP 的使用、立法和流行病学、商业产品和生物样品中药物测定的化学和分析方法、药代动力学和药效学、毒理学效应以及中毒诊断和管理。4-DNP主要来源于急诊科报告的中毒病例,对此没有特效解毒剂或治疗方法。本综述全面更新了 2,4-DNP 的使用、立法和流行病学、商业产品和生物样品中药物测定的化学和分析方法、药代动力学和药效学、毒理学效应以及中毒诊断和管理。