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Insight Into the Posthospital Syndrome: A 3-Month Longitudinal Follow up on Geriatric Syndromes and Their Association With Functional Decline, Readmission, and Mortality.
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glaa039
Rosanne van Seben 1 , Kenneth E Covinsky 2 , Lucienne A Reichardt 1 , Jesse J Aarden 3, 4 , Marike van der Schaaf 3, 4 , Martin van der Esch 5 , Raoul H H Engelbert 4 , Jos W R Twisk 6 , Jos A Bosch 7, 8 , Bianca M Buurman 1, 4

Acute hospitalization may lead to posthospital syndrome, but no studies have investigated how this syndrome manifests and geriatric syndromes are often used as synonym. However, studies on longitudinal associations between syndromes and adverse outcomes are scarce. We aimed to analyze longitudinal associations between geriatric syndromes and functional decline (FD), readmission, and mortality.


