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Knowledge, uptake of preconception care and associated factors among reproductive age group women in West Shewa zone, Ethiopia, 2018.
BMC Women's Health Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1186/s12905-020-00900-2
Daniel Belema Fekene 1 , Benyam Seifu Woldeyes 1 , Maru Mossisa Erena 1 , Getu Alemu Demisse 2

BACKGROUND Preconception care is a set of interventions that are to be provided before pregnancy, to promrote the health and well-being of womwen and couples . METHODS A community-based cross-sectional study was employed among a sample of 680 reproductive-aged women in the West Shewa zone, Oromia regional state, from November 2017 until the end of January 2018. The data were collected using a pre-tested and structured questionnaire. The collected data were coded and entered into Epi data version 3.1 and exported to SPSS 22 for analysis. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were utilized to determine factors associated with the outcome variable. The association was presented in odds ratio with 95% confidence interval and significance determined at a P-value less than 0.05. RESULT A total of 669 participants had participated with a response rate of 98.3%. Among the respondants, only 179 (26.8%) had a good knowledge of PCC and 97 (14.5%) of them had utilized PCC. Factors that show significant association with good knowledge of PCC are history of institutional delivery (AOR = 1.43 (95%CI (1.31-7.33), PNC service utilization, (AOR = 5.02 (95%CI (3.22-7.84), history of using modern contraceptive, (AOR = 1.44 (95%CI (1.37-6.98) higher educational status (AOR = 4.12 (95%CI (1.22-6.52) and being regularly employed (AOR = 1.8 (95%CI (1.01-3.22). Factors like better family monthly income (AOR = 4.1 (95%CI (1.57-9.35), history of PNC (AOR = 6.33 (95%CI (3.94-10.17) and good knowledge of PCC (AOR = 4.3 (95%CI (2.67-6.98) had shown positive association towards the uptake of PCC. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This study found that only one-quarter of the women in the study has good knowledge of PCC and low uptake of PCC. History of institutional delivery, PNC service utilization, history of using a modern contraceptive, educational status and being regularly employed were factors that affect knowledge of PCC and family income, having good knowledge about PCC and history of PNC were affect the uptake of PCC.Therefore, PCC needs serious attention from the government and other stakeholders.


2018 年埃塞俄比亚西谢瓦地区育龄妇女对孕前护理的了解、接受情况及相关因素。

背景技术 孕前护理是在怀孕前提供的一系列干预措施,以促进妇女和夫妇的健康和福祉。方法 从 2017 年 11 月至 2018 年 1 月底,对奥罗米亚地区州西谢瓦地区的 680 名育龄妇女进行了一项基于社区的横断面研究。数据是使用预先测试和结构化调查问卷。将收集到的数据进行编码并输入Epi data 3.1版本并导出至SPSS 22进行分析。利用双变量和多变量逻辑回归模型来确定与结果变量相关的因素。该关联以比值比表示,置信区间为 95%,显着性在 P 值小于 0.05 时确定。结果共有669名参与者参与,回应率为98.3%。受访者中,只有179人(26.8%)对PCC有很好的了解,其中97人(14.5%)使用过PCC。显示与 PCC 良好知识显着相关的因素是机构交付历史(AOR = 1.43 (95% CI (1.31-7.33))、PNC 服务利用率、(AOR = 5.02 (95% CI (3.22-7.84))、使用历史现代避孕药具,(AOR = 1.44 (95%CI (1.37-6.98)) 较高的教育程度 (AOR = 4.12 (95%CI (1.22-6.52)) 并有规律工作 (AOR = 1.8 (95%CI (1.01-3.22))。诸如较好的家庭月收入 (AOR = 4.1 (95%CI (1.57-9.35))、PNC 病史 (AOR = 6.33 (95%CI (3.94-10.17)) 以及对 PCC 的良好了解 (AOR = 4.3 (95%CI ( 2.67-6.98)显示与 PCC 的吸收呈正相关。 这项研究发现,研究中只有四分之一的女性对 PCC 有良好的了解,并且 PCC 的吸收率较低。 机构分娩史、PNC服务利用史、现代避孕药具使用史、教育状况和有规律就业是影响PCC知识和家庭收入的因素,对PCC的了解和PNC史影响PCC的使用。 ,PCC需要政府和其他利益相关者的认真关注。