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Dial-In Mobile Service Enables Patient Feedback on Community Health Care
JAMA ( IF 120.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.0201
Bridget M. Kuehn

A simple mobile phone–based technology could enable patients in rural Africa to provide valuable feedback about the care they receive from community health workers, according to a study presented at the recent Association for Computing Machinery conference on computer-supported cooperative work and social computing.

Community health workers are a key conduit to health care in many parts of rural Africa and India. But ensuring their accountability can be challenging and patients may be mistreated, according to a press statement from the authors. The multinational research team designed and tested a system that enabled patients to submit anonymous feedback about health workers and hospitals through unstructured supplementary service data (USSD), a communications technology that’s available on any mobile phone. Mobile phone users in rural areas currently use USSD to check how much prepaid phone time they have available. The system was free for users.

“People are already used to placing calls and texting—I think the innovation here is that you can go back to those mundane technologies and transform them into something else,” lead author Fabian Okeke, a doctoral student in information science at Cornell Tech in New York City, said in the statement.





“人们已经习惯于拨打电话和发短信了,我认为这里的创新在于您可以回到那些平凡的技术上,并将其转化为其他东西,”第一作者,康奈尔科技大学信息科学博士生Fabian Okeke说道。约克市在声明中说。
