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Google's Project Nightingale highlights the necessity of data science ethics review.
EMBO Molecular Medicine ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202012053
Christophe Olivier Schneble 1 , Bernice Simone Elger 1, 2 , David Martin Shaw 1, 3

On November 14 last year, the British Guardian published an account from an anonymous whistleblower at Google, accusing the company of misconduct in regard to handling sensitive health data. The whistleblower works for Project Nightingale, an attempt by Google to get into the lucrative US healthcare market, by storing and processing the personal medical data of up to 50 million customers of Ascension, one of America's largest healthcare providers. As the Wall Street Journal had already reported 3 days earlier, and as the whistleblower confirmed, neither was the data anonymized when transmitted from Ascension nor were patients or their doctors notified, let alone asked for consent to sharing their data with Google (Copeland, 2019; Pilkington, 2019). As a result, Google employees had full access to non-anonymous patient health data. Google Health chief David Feinberg commented that all Google employees involved had gone through medical ethics training and were approved by Ascension (Feinberg, 2019).



去年11月14日,英国《卫报》发表了一位谷歌匿名举报者的报道,指责该公司在处理敏感健康数据方面存在不当行为。举报人为南丁格尔项目工作,该项目是谷歌试图进入利润丰厚的美国医疗保健市场的一个尝试,该项目通过存储和处理美国最大的医疗保健提供商之一 Ascension 多达 5000 万客户的个人医疗数据来实现。正如《华尔街日报》三天前报道的那样,正如举报人所证实的那样,从 Ascension 传输的数据既没有匿名,也没有通知患者或其医生,更不用说征求同意与谷歌共享数据了(Copeland,2019)皮尔金顿,2019)。因此,谷歌员工可以完全访问非匿名患者健康数据。谷歌健康负责人 David Feinberg 评论称,所有涉及的谷歌员工都经过了医学道德培训,并获得了 Ascension 的批准(Feinberg,2019)。