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Correction to: Algorithm for the management of patients at low, high and very high risk of osteoporotic fractures
Osteoporosis International ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s00198-020-05297-0
J.A. Kanis , N.C. Harvey , E. McCloskey , O. Bruyère , N. Veronese , M. Lorentzon , C. Cooper , R. Rizzoli , G. Adib , N. Al-Daghri , C. Campusano , M. Chandran , B. Dawson-Hughes , K. Javaid , F. Jiwa , H. Johansson , J.K. Lee , E. Liu , D. Messina , O. Mkinsi , D. Pinto , D. Prieto-Alhambra , K. Saag , W. Xia , L. Zakraoui , J.Y. Reginster

The article ‘Algorithm for the management of patients at low, high and very high risk of osteoporotic fractures’,written by J. A. Kanis, was originally published Online First without Open Access. After publication in volume [#], issue [#] and page [#-#], the author decided to opt for Open Choice and to make the article an Open Access publication.



JA Kanis撰写的文章“用于管理低,高和极高骨质疏松性骨折风险的患者的管理算法”最初发表于Online First,而没有开放获取。在第[#]卷,第[#]页和第[#-#]页发布后,作者决定选择“开放选择”,并将该文章设为“开放获取”出版物。
