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Intraspecific variation in surface water uptake in a perennial desert shrub
Functional Ecology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13546
Andrii Zaiats 1 , Brynne E. Lazarus 2 , Matthew J. Germino 2 , Marcelo D. Serpe 1 , Bryce A. Richardson 3 , Sven Buerki 1 , T. Trevor Caughlin 1

Handling Editor: Laura Yahdjian Abstract 1. Despite broad recognition that water is a major limiting factor in arid ecosystems, we lack an empirical understanding of how this resource is shared and distributed among neighbouring plants. Intraspecific variability can further contribute to this variation via divergent life-history traits, including root architecture. We investigated these questions in the shrub Artemisia tridentata and hypothesized that the ability to access and utilize surface water varies among subspecies and cytotypes. 2. We used an isotope tracer to quantify below-ground zone of influence in A. tridentata, and tested whether spatial neighbourhood characteristics can alter plant water uptake. We introduced deuterium-enriched water to the soil in plant interspaces in a common garden experiment and measured deuterium composition of plant stems. We then applied spatially explicit models to test for differential water uptake by A. tridentata, including intermingled populations of three subspecies and two ploidy levels. 3. The results suggest that lateral root functioning in A. tridentata is associated with intraspecific identity and ploidy level. Subspecies adapted to habitats with deep soils generally had a smaller horizontal reach, and polyploid cytotypes were associated with greater water uptake compared to their diploid variants. We also found that plant crown volume was a weak predictor of water uptake, and that neighbourhood crowding had no discernable effect on water uptake. 4. Intraspecific variation in lateral root functioning can lead to differential patterns of resource acquisition, an essential process in arid ecosystems in the contexts of changing climate and seasonal patterns of precipitation. Altogether, we found that lateral root development and activity are more strongly related to genetic variability within A. tridentata than to plant size. Our study highlights how intraspecific variation in life strategies is linked to mechanisms of resource acquisition.



处理编辑:Laura Yahdjian 摘要 1. 尽管人们普遍认识到水是干旱生态系统中的主要限制因素,但我们缺乏对这种资源如何在相邻植物之间共享和分配的经验性理解。种内变异可以通过不同的生活史特征(包括根结构)进一步促成这种变异。我们在灌木蒿中调查了这些问题,并假设获取和利用地表水的能力因亚种和细胞类型而异。2. 我们使用同位素示踪剂量化了 A. tridentata 的地下影响区,并测试了空间邻域特征是否可以改变植物吸水量。我们在一个普通的花园实验中将富含氘的水引入植物间隙的土壤中,并测量了植物茎的氘组成。然后我们应用空间显式模型来测试 A. tridentata 的差异吸水量,包括三个亚种和两个倍性水平的混合种群。3. 结果表明,A. tridentata 的侧根功能与种内同一性和倍性水平有关。适应深土壤栖息地的亚种通常具有较小的水平范围,与二倍体变体相比,多倍体细胞型与更大的吸水量相关。我们还发现,植物冠体积是吸水量的弱预测因子,并且邻里拥挤对吸水量没有明显影响。4. 侧根功能的种内变异可导致资源获取的不同模式,这是干旱生态系统在气候变化和降水季节性模式背景下的一个重要过程。总而言之,我们发现侧根发育和活动与 A. tridentata 内的遗传变异性的相关性比与植物大小的相关性更强。我们的研究强调了生活策略的种内变化如何与资源获取机制相关联。