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Biomedical grafts for tracheal tissue repairing and regeneration "Tracheal tissue engineering: an overview".
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-16 , DOI: 10.1002/term.3019
Archna Dhasmana 1 , Atul Singh 1 , Sagar Rawal 1

Airway system is a vital part of the living being body. Trachea is the upper respiratory portion that connects nostril and lungs, and has multiple functions such as breathing and entrapment of dust/pathogen particles. Tracheal reconstruction by artificial prosthesis, stents and grafts are performed clinically for the repairing of damaged tissue. Although, these methods are repair the damaged parts but they have limited applicability like small area wounds and lack of functional tissue regeneration. Tissue engineering helps to overcome the abovementioned problems by modifying the traditional used stents and grafts not only repair but also regenerate the damaged area to functional tissue. Bioengineered tracheal replacements are biocompatible, non-toxic, porous, having 3D bio-mimetic ultrastructure with good mechanical strength results faster and better tissue regeneration. Till date the bio-engineered tracheal replacements studies has been going on pre-clinical and clinical level. Besides that still many researchers are working at advance level to make ECM based acellular, 3D printed, cell-seeded grafts including living cells to overcome the demand of tissue or organ and making the ready to use tracheal reconstructs for clinical application. Thus, in this review we summarized that tracheal tissue engineering aspects and their outcomes.


