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Large-scale field trial of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) for the control of malaria vector mosquitoes in Mali, West Africa.
Malaria Journal ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-3132-0
Mohamad M Traore 1 , Amy Junnila 1 , Sekou F Traore 1 , Seydou Doumbia 1 , Edita E Revay 1 , Vasiliy D Kravchenko 2 , Yosef Schlein 3 , Kristopher L Arheart 4 , Petrányi Gergely 5 , Rui-De Xue 6 , Axel Hausmann 5 , Robert Beck 5 , Alex Prozorov 1 , Rabiatou A Diarra 1 , Aboubakr S Kone 1 , Silas Majambere 7 , John Bradley 8 , John Vontas 9, 10 , John C Beier 4 , Günter C Müller 1

BACKGROUND The aim of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSB) in Mali, where sustained malaria transmission occurs despite the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). ATSB bait stations were deployed in seven of 14 similar study villages, where LLINs were already in widespread use. The combined use of ATSB and LLINs was tested to see if it would substantially reduce parasite transmission by Anopheles gambiae sensu lato beyond use of LLINs alone. METHODS A 2-day field experiment was conducted to determine the number of mosquitoes feeding on natural sugar versus those feeding on bait stations containing attractive sugar bait without toxin (ASB)-but with food dye. This was done each month in seven random villages from April to December 2016. In the following year, in seven treatment villages from May to December 2017, two ATSB bait stations containing the insecticide dinotefuran were placed on the outer walls of each building. Vector population density was evaluated monthly by CDC UV light traps, malaise traps, pyrethrum spray (PSCs) and human landing catches (HLCs). Female samples of the catch were tested for age by examination of the ovarioles in dissected ovaries and identification of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite infection by ELISA. Entomological inoculation rates (EIR) were calculated, and reductions between treated and untreated villages were determined. RESULTS In the 2-day experiment with ASB each month, there was a lower number of male and female mosquitoes feeding on the natural sugar sources than on the ASB. ATSB deployment reduced CDC-UV trap female catches in September, when catches were highest, were by 57.4% compared to catches in control sites. Similarly, malaise trap catches showed a 44.3% reduction of females in August and PSC catches of females were reduced by 48.7% in September. Reductions of females in HLCs were lower by 19.8% indoors and 26.3% outdoors in September. The high reduction seen in the rainy season was similar for males and reductions in population density for both males and females were > 70% during the dry season. Reductions of females with ≥ 3 gonotrophic cycles were recorded every month amounting to 97.1% in October and 100.0% in December. Reductions in monthly EIRs ranged from 77.76 to 100.00% indoors and 84.95% to 100.00% outdoors. The number of sporozoite infected females from traps was reduced by 97.83% at treated villages compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS Attractive toxic sugar baits used against Anopheles mosquitoes in Mali drastically reduced the density of mosquitoes, the number of older females, the number of sporozoite infected females and the EIR demonstrating how ATSB significantly reduces malaria parasite transmission.



背景本次现场试验的目的是评估马里有吸引力的有毒糖饵(ATSB)的功效,尽管使用长效杀虫蚊帐(LLIN),疟疾仍持续传播。 ATSB 诱饵站部署在 14 个类似研究村中的 7 个,其中 LLIN 已得到广泛使用。测试了 ATSB 和 LLIN 的联合使用,看看与单独使用 LLIN 相比,是否能显着减少冈比亚按蚊的寄生虫传播。方法进行了为期 2 天的现场实验,以确定以天然糖为食的蚊子数量与以含有无毒糖饵 (ASB) 但含有食用色素的诱饵站为食的蚊子数量。 2016 年 4 月至 12 月,每个月在七个随机村庄进行这项工作。次年,从 2017 年 5 月至 12 月,在七个治疗村庄中,在每个建筑物的外墙上放置了两个含有杀虫剂呋虫胺的 ATSB 诱饵站。每月通过 CDC 紫外线诱捕器、不适诱捕器、除虫菊喷雾 (PSC) 和人类登陆捕获物 (HLC) 评估病媒种群密度。通过检查解剖卵巢中的卵巢并通过 ELISA 鉴定恶性疟原虫子孢子感染来测试捕获的雌性样本的年龄。计算了昆虫接种率(EIR),并确定了经过处理和未经处理的村庄之间的减少量。结果 在每月为期 2 天的 ASB 实验中,以天然糖源为食的雄性和雌性蚊子的数量少于以 ASB 为食的雄性和雌性蚊子的数量。 ATSB 的部署减少了 9 月份捕捞量最高的 CDC-UV 诱捕器雌性捕捞量,与对照地点的捕捞量相比减少了 57.4%。同样,不适陷阱捕获量显示为 44。8 月雌性捕捞量减少 3%,9 月 PSC 雌性捕捞量减少 48.7%。 9 月份,HLC 中室内女性减少了 19.8%,室外减少了 26.3%。雨季男性人口密度大幅减少的情况类似,旱季期间男性和女性人口密度的减少均为 > 70%。每月记录的具有 ≥ 3 个性腺营养周期的雌性减少量在 10 月份达到 97.1%,在 12 月份达到 100.0%。室内每月 EIR 降低 77.76% 至 100.00%,室外降低 84.95% 至 100.00%。与对照组相比,经过处理的村庄,来自陷阱的子孢子感染雌性数量减少了 97.83%。结论 在马里,针对按蚊使用的有毒糖饵极大地降低了蚊子的密度、老年雌性蚊子的数量、子孢子感染的雌性蚊子的数量,并且 EIR 证明了 ATSB 如何显着减少疟疾寄生虫的传播。