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Malaria epidemiology in Kobeni department, southeastern Mauritania from 2015 to 2017.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1186/s40249-020-0634-5
Sileye Mamadou Diallo 1, 2, 3 , Hervé Bogreau 2, 3, 4 , Nasserdine Papa Mze 2, 3 , Mohamed Salem Ould Ahmedou Salem 1 , Mohamed Lemine Ould Khairy 5, 6 , Philippe Parola 2, 3 , Leonardo Basco 2, 3 , Ali Ould Mohamed Salem Boukhary 1, 2

BACKGROUND Plasmodium falciparum malaria is endemic in the southern sahelian zone of Mauritania where intense internal and trans-border human and livestock movement occurs. The risk of importation and spread of drug-resistant parasites need to be regularly assessed in this region. The objective of the study was to assess the recent malaria situation near the Mauritania-Mali border. METHODS Between February 2015 and December 2017, patients with fever or history of fever during the previous 48 h, presenting at the health centre of Kobeni city, were screened for malaria using a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and microscopic examination of blood smears. The diagnosis was later confirmed by PCR. Cohen's kappa statistics was used to estimate the degree of agreement between diagnostic methods. Fisher's exact test was used to compare proportions. The odds ratio was calculated to measure the association between the use of bed nets and malaria infection. RESULTS A total of 2326 febrile patients (mean age, 20.2 years) were screened for malaria. The presence of malaria parasites was detected by RDT and microscopy in 53.0% and 49.3% of febrile patients, respectively, and was confirmed by PCR in 59.7% (45 missing data). Of 1361 PCR-positive samples, 1205 (88.5%) were P. falciparum, 47 (3.5%) P. vivax, and 99 (7.3%) P. falciparum-P. vivax mixed infection. Malaria transmission occurred mostly during and shortly after the rainy season. The annual rainfall was relatively low in 2016 (267 mm) and 2017 (274 mm), compared to 2015 (448 mm), and coincided with a decline in malaria prevalence in 2016-2017. Although 71.8% of febrile patients reported to possess at least one bed net in the household in our questionnaire, its reported use was not protective against malaria infection (odds ratio: 1.1, 95% CI: 0.91-1.32). CONCLUSIONS Our study confirmed that P. falciparum is the dominant species in the sahelian zone and that malaria transmission is seasonal and associated with rainfall in this zone. The application of the current national policy based on rapid and reliable malaria diagnosis, case management with artemisinin-based combination therapy, intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women, distribution and use of long-lasting insecticide impregnated bed nets, and the planned introduction of seasonal malaria chemoprevention for all children under 6 years old is expected to sustainably reduce malaria transmission in this zone.


2015 年至 2017 年毛里塔尼亚东南部科贝尼省的疟疾流行病学。

背景 恶性疟原​​虫疟疾是毛里塔尼亚南部萨赫勒地区的地方病,那里发生了激烈的内部和跨境人类和牲畜移动。需要定期评估该地区耐药寄生虫的输入和传播风险。该研究的目的是评估毛里塔尼亚-马里边境附近最近的疟疾情况。方法 2015 年 2 月至 2017 年 12 月期间,对在神户市卫生中心就诊的发热或过去 48 小时内有发热史的患者,采用快速诊断试验(RDT)和血涂片显微镜检查进行疟疾筛查。后来通过PCR证实了诊断。Cohen 的 kappa 统计用于估计诊断方法之间的一致性程度。Fisher 精确检验用于比较比例。计算优势比以衡量使用蚊帐与疟疾感染之间的关联。结果 共有 2326 名发热患者(平均年龄 20.2 岁)接受了疟疾筛查。分别在 53.0% 和 49.3% 的发热患者中通过 RDT 和显微镜检测到疟疾寄生虫的存在,59.7%(45 个缺失数据)通过 PCR 确认。在 1361 个 PCR 阳性样本中,1205 个(88.5%)是恶性疟原虫,47 个(3.5%)间日疟原虫和 99 个(7.3%)恶性疟原虫。间日混合感染。疟疾传播主要发生在雨季期间和雨季过后不久。与 2015 年(448 毫米)相比,2016 年(267 毫米)和 2017 年(274 毫米)的年降雨量相对较低,且恰逢 2016-2017 年疟疾流行率下降。虽然71。在我们的调查问卷中,8% 的发热患者报告家中至少拥有一个蚊帐,报告的使用不能预防疟疾感染(比值比:1.1,95% CI:0.91-1.32)。结论 我们的研究证实,恶性疟原虫是萨赫勒地区的优势物种,疟疾传播是季节性的,并且与该地区的降雨有关。基于快速和可靠的疟疾诊断、以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法进行病例管理、对孕妇进行间歇性预防性治疗、分发和使用长效杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐以及计划引入季节性疟疾的现行国家政策的应用预计对所有 6 岁以下儿童进行化学预防将可持续地减少该地区的疟疾传播。其报告的使用对疟疾感染没有保护作用(优势比:1.1,95% CI:0.91-1.32)。结论 我们的研究证实,恶性疟原虫是萨赫勒地区的优势物种,疟疾传播是季节性的,并且与该地区的降雨有关。基于快速和可靠的疟疾诊断、以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法进行病例管理、对孕妇进行间歇性预防性治疗、分发和使用长效杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐以及计划引入季节性疟疾的现行国家政策的应用预计对所有 6 岁以下儿童进行化学预防将可持续地减少该地区的疟疾传播。其报告的使用对疟疾感染没有保护作用(优势比:1.1,95% CI:0.91-1.32)。结论 我们的研究证实,恶性疟原虫是萨赫勒地区的优势物种,疟疾传播是季节性的,并且与该地区的降雨有关。基于快速和可靠的疟疾诊断、以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法进行病例管理、对孕妇进行间歇性预防性治疗、分发和使用长效杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐以及计划引入季节性疟疾的现行国家政策的应用预计对所有 6 岁以下儿童进行化学预防将可持续地减少该地区的疟疾传播。恶性疟原虫是萨赫勒地区的主要物种,疟疾传播具有季节性,并且与该地区的降雨有关。现行国家政策的应用基于快速和可靠的疟疾诊断、以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法的病例管理、孕妇的间歇性预防性治疗、长效杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐的分发和使用,以及有计划地引入季节性疟疾预计对所有 6 岁以下儿童进行化学预防将可持续地减少该地区的疟疾传播。恶性疟原虫是萨赫勒地区的主要物种,疟疾传播具有季节性,并且与该地区的降雨有关。基于快速和可靠的疟疾诊断、以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法进行病例管理、对孕妇进行间歇性预防性治疗、分发和使用长效杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐以及计划引入季节性疟疾的现行国家政策的应用预计对所有 6 岁以下儿童进行化学预防将可持续地减少该地区的疟疾传播。