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Solitary waves on superconfined falling liquid films
Physical Review Fluids ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 
Gianluca Lavalle, Nicolas Grenier, Sophie Mergui, and Georg F. Dietze

Solitary traveling waves are prominent features on the surface of a falling liquid film and are known to promote heat/mass transfer. We focus on the little studied case where they are subject to an extremely confined counter-current gas flow, and we identify two novel secondary instabilities. At high gas velocities, a catastrophic instability develops, leading to flooding through wave reversal. At lower gas velocities, an oscillatory instability occurs, producing a high-frequency periodic modulation of the wave height. Conjunction of this self-sustained oscillatory state and vortices forming in the liquid is shown to enhance mixing. Also, we uncover a new hydrodynamic route toward film rupture.


