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Prevention of cardiovascular disease for historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups living with HIV: A narrative review of the literature.
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pcad.2020.02.006
Charles Muiruri 1 , Chris T Longenecker 2 , Eric G Meissner 3 , Nwora Lance Okeke 4 , April C Pettit 5 , Kevin Thomas 6 , Eric Velazquez 7 , Gerald S Bloomfield 8

Despite developments to improve health in the United States, racial and ethnic disparities persist. These disparities have profound impact on the wellbeing of historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups. This narrative review explores disparities by race in people living with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We discuss selected common social determinants of health for both of these conditions which include; regional historical policies, incarceration, and neighborhood effects. Data on racial disparities for persons living with comorbid HIV and CVD are lacking. We found few published articles (n = 7) describing racial disparities for persons living with both comorbid HIV and CVD. Efforts to reduce CVD morbidity in historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups with HIV must address participation in clinical research, social determinants of health and translation of research into clinical practice.



尽管美国在改善健康方面取得了进展,但种族和民族差异仍然存在。这些差异对历史上边缘化的种族和族裔群体的福祉产生深远影响。这篇叙述性评论探讨了心血管疾病 (CVD) 和人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 患者的种族差异。我们讨论了这两种情况的选定的常见健康社会决定因素,其中包括:地区历史政策、监禁和邻里效应。缺乏关于同时患有艾滋病毒和心血管疾病的人的种族差异的数据。我们发现很少有发表的文章 (n = 7) 描述同时患有艾滋病毒和心血管疾病的人的种族差异。努力降低历史上边缘化的艾滋病毒感染者和族裔群体的心血管疾病发病率,必须解决临床研究的参与、健康的社会决定因素以及将研究转化为临床实践的问题。