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Impact of iron- and/or sulfate-reduction on a cis-1,2-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride respiring bacterial consortium: experiments and model-based interpretation.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1039/c9em00544g
Alexandra Murray 1 , Julien Maillard , Massimo Rolle , Mette Broholm , Christof Holliger

Process understanding of microbial communities containing organohalide-respiring bacteria (OHRB) is important for effective bioremediation of chlorinated ethenes. The impact of iron and sulfate reduction on cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) dechlorination by a consortium containing the OHRB Dehalococcoides spp. was investigated using multiphase batch experiments. The OHRB consortium was found to contain endogenous iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria (FeRB and SRB). A biogeochemical model was developed and used to quantify the mass transfer, aquatic geochemical, and microbial processes that occurred in the multiphase batch system. It was determined that the added SRB had the most significant impact on contaminant degradation. Addition of the SRB increased maximum specific substrate utilization rates, kmax, of cDCE and VC by 129% and 294%, respectively. The added FeRB had a slight stimulating effect on VC dechlorination when exogenous SRB were absent, but when cultured with the added SRB, FeRB moderated the SRB's stimulating effect. This study demonstrates that subsurface microbial community interactions are more complex than categorical, guild-based competition for resources such as electron donor.



对包含有机卤化物呼吸细菌(OHRB)的微生物群落的过程了解对于有效的氯乙烯生物修复非常重要。铁和硫酸盐还原对包含OHRB Dehalococcoides spp的财团对顺式1,2-二氯乙烯(cDCE)和氯乙烯(VC)脱氯的影响。使用多阶段批处理实验进行了研究。OHRB财团被发现含有内源性还原铁和硫酸盐还原菌(FeRB和SRB)。开发了一种生物地球化学模型,并将其用于量化多相批处理系统中发生的传质,水生地球化学和微生物过程。已确定添加的SRB对污染物的降解影响最大。加入SRB可以提高最大特定底物利用率,即kmax,cDCE和VC的百分比分别为129%和294%。缺少外源SRB时,添加的FeRB对VC的脱氯有轻微的刺激作用,但是当与添加的SRB一起培养时,FeRB会减轻SRB的刺激作用。这项研究表明,地下微生物群落的相互作用比基于行会的基于类别的电子供体等资源的竞争更为复杂。