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Youth Daily Exposure to Tobacco Outlets and Cigarette Smoking Behaviors: Does Exposure within Activity Space Matter?
Addiction ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-07 , DOI: 10.1111/add.15001
Sharon Lipperman-Kreda 1 , Laura J Finan 2 , Sarah D Kowitt 3 , Joel W Grube 1 , Melissa Abadi 4 , Anna Balassone 1 , Emily Kaner 1

AIMS To examine whether daily exposure to tobacco outlets within activity spaces is associated with cigarette smoking and with the number of cigarettes smoked by youth that day. DESIGN The study used Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA) data that combined daily surveys with ecological momentary assessment of global positioning systems (GPS) using geographic information systems (GIS) to allow for real-time data collection of participants' environments and behaviors. SETTING Eight mid-sized California (USA) city areas. PARTICIPANTS The analytic sample included 1,065 days, which were clustered within 100 smoker and non-smoker participants (16-20 years old, 60% female). MEASUREMENTS Any cigarette smoking and number of cigarettes smoked on a given day, the number of tobacco outlets within 100m of activity space polylines each day, the number of minutes participants spent within 100m of tobacco outlets each day, and demographic characteristics (age, sex, race/ethnicity and perceived SES). FINDINGS Controlling for demographic characteristics, the findings of multilevel mixed effects logistic models were inconclusive whether or not the number of tobacco outlets within 100m of youths' activity space polylines or the number of minutes spent within 100m of tobacco outlets were associated with whether the participant smoked cigarettes on a given day (OR=1.05, p=0.24; OR=0.99, p=0.81, respectively). However, in multilevel zero-inflated negative binomial models the risk of smoking an additional cigarette on a given day increased with each additional tobacco outlet (IRR=1.04, p<0.05) and each additional minute spent within 100m of tobacco outlets (IRR=1.01, p<0.001) each day. CONCLUSIONS Among young people in urban California USA, differences in day-to-day exposure to tobacco outlets within activity spaces does not seem to be significantly associated with whether a person smokes a cigarette on a given day, but higher exposure to tobacco outlets appears to be positively associated with the number of cigarettes smoked on that day.



目的 检验每天接触活动空间内的烟草店是否与吸烟和当天青少年吸烟的数量有关。设计 该研究使用地理生态瞬时评估 (GEMA) 数据,该数据将日常调查与使用地理信息系统 (GIS) 的全球定位系统 (GPS) 生态瞬时评估相结合,以便实时收集参与者的环境和行为数据。设置八个中等规模的加利福尼亚(美国)城市地区。参与者 分析样本包括 1,065 天,集中在 100 名吸烟者和非吸烟者参与者(16-20 岁,60% 女性)中。测量 任何吸烟量和某一天的吸烟量,每天活动空间折线 100m 范围内的烟草出口数量,参与者每天在烟草店 100m 范围内停留的分钟数,以及人口特征(年龄、性别、种族/民族和感知的社会经济地位)。结果 控制人口学特征,多层次混合效应逻辑模型的结果并不确定青少年活动空间折线 100m 范围内的烟草出口数量或烟草出口 100m 范围内停留的分钟数是否与参与者是否吸烟有关某一天的香烟(分别为 OR=1.05,p=0.24;OR=0.99,p=0.81)。然而,在多级零膨胀负二项式模型中,在给定的日子里,每增加一个烟草出口(IRR=1.04,p<0.05)和在烟草出口 100m 内每多停留一分钟(IRR=1.01 , p<0。001) 每天。结论 在美国加利福尼亚州城市的年轻人中,在活动空间内日常接触烟草店的差异似乎与一个人在某一天是否吸烟没有显着关联,但较高的烟草店接触似乎与与当天吸烟的数量呈正相关。