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Experimental exposure of the mussel Mytilus platensis (d'Orbigny, 1842) to the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella from Argentine Patagonia.
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-020-02169-5
Leilén L Gracia Villalobos 1 , Jésica L Tobke 1 , Nora G Montoya 2 , Norma H Santinelli 3 , Mónica N Gil 1

Individuals of Mytilus platensis were exposed to Alexandrium catenella to evaluate the accumulation and metabolization of paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) over a period of 25 days. Mussels were collected from the intertidal zone of Cerro Avanzado, Argentine Patagonia. After 16 days, the toxins in the tissues of mussels were detected by the methods of mouse bioassay and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection (HPLC-FDL). The accumulation kinetics of PST toxins in M. platensis fed with A. catenella fitted to a linear function, in which the accumulation rate was 31.2 µg STX eq kg-1 day-1. After 16 days, the PST toxin level in tissues of mussels reached 1178 µg STX eq kg-1 exceeding the safety limit for human consumption (800 µg STX eq kg-1 tissue), whereas the highest PST toxin level was reached at the end of the experimentation (1613 µg STX eq kg-1) at 25 days. Differences in the toxin profile of the dinoflagellates and the tissues of the mussels confirmed biotransformation of PST in the mussel digestive system. The toxin profile of M. platensis was dominated by the gonyautoxins GTX1 and GTX4, while the toxin profile of A. catenella was dominated by the N-sulfocarbamoyl toxin C2. To our knowledge, this is the first experimentation on a laboratory scale of PST toxins accumulation in M. platensis with a native strain of A. catenella of Argentine Patagonia.


贻贝Mytilus platensis(d'Orbigny,1842年)对来自阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的鞭毛藻亚历山德里亚毛虫的实验性暴露。

将Mytilus platensis的个体暴露于亚历山大海藻,以评估麻痹性贝类毒素(PST)在25天内的积累和代谢。从阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的塞罗·阿万扎多(Cerro Avanzado)潮间带采集贻贝。16天后,通过小鼠生物测定和高效液相色谱-荧光检测法(HPLC-FDL)检测贻贝组织中的毒素。饲喂链状土壤曲霉的P.毒素的累积动力学符合线性函数,其累积速率为31.2 µg STX eq kg-1 day-1。16天后,贻贝组织中的PST毒素水平达到1178 µg STX eq kg-1,超过了人类食用的安全极限(800 µg STX eq kg-1组织),而在实验结束时第25天达到了最高的PST毒素水平(1613 µg STX eq kg-1)。鞭毛藻和贻贝组织的毒素谱差异证实了贻贝消化系统中PST的生物转化。扁柏的毒素谱主要由淋菌毒素GTX1和GTX4决定,而链状芽孢杆菌的毒素谱主要由N-磺基氨基甲酰基毒素C2决定。就我们所知,这是首次在实验室规模上用天然巴氏杆菌阿根廷巴氏假丝酵母菌株在白僵菌中积累PST毒素的实验。platensis以淋菌毒素GTX1和GTX4为主,而A. catenella的毒素谱则由N-磺基氨基甲酰基毒素C2为主。就我们所知,这是首次在实验室规模上用天然巴氏杆菌阿根廷巴氏假丝酵母菌株在白僵菌中积累PST毒素的实验。platensis以淋菌毒素GTX1和GTX4为主,而A. catenella的毒素谱则由N-磺基氨基甲酰基毒素C2为主。就我们所知,这是首次在实验室规模上用天然巴氏杆菌阿根廷巴氏假丝酵母菌株在白僵菌中积累PST毒素的实验。