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Understanding sexual and reproductive health needs of young women living in Zika affected regions: a qualitative study in northeastern Brazil.
Reproductive Health ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s12978-020-0869-4
Debora Diniz 1 , Moazzam Ali 2 , Ilana Ambrogi 3 , Luciana Brito 4

BACKGROUND In 2016, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern due to Zika's association with microcephaly and other neurological disorders. Brazil was the epicenter of this epidemic and the most affected region has the lowest Human Development Index and the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy. Despite the end of the epidemic, Brazil continues to be the epicenter of Zika illness. This study examined the barriers faced by young women who seek sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care services living in affected areas and their attitudes towards SRH needs and the available services. METHODS Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 young women, aged 14-24 years in three Zika affected municipalities in the Brazilian Northeast. This qualitative research used thematic analysis for data analysis. RESULTS Almost half (n = 10) of the participants had their first pregnancy during adolescence (from 12 to 19), all of which were unintended. Lack of information and barriers to access family planning were found to contribute to the unmet need for contraception. Participants reported knowledge gaps about contraception. Zika was not considered a health concern and participants were unaware of the possibility of Zika's sexual transmission. CONCLUSIONS The young women's knowledge and attitudes towards their SRH needs highlight the barriers to access care. It also implies that comprehensive, biopsychosocial and political, understanding is necessary in order to adequately provide SRH to this population and meet their needs. The government should place women at the center of any public health response to an emergency affecting women of reproductive age and focus on improving access to information and family planning services in a culturally and age appropriate manner.



背景技术2016年,由于Zika与小头畸形和其他神经系统疾病有关,世界卫生组织宣布国际关注的紧急公共卫生事件。巴西是这一流行病的中心,受灾最严重的地区的人类发展指数最低,而青少年怀孕率最高。尽管疫情已经结束,但巴西仍然是寨卡病的中心。这项研究调查了寻求在受影响地区生活的性健康和生殖健康(SRH)护理服务的年轻妇女所面临的障碍,以及她们对SRH需求和可用服务的态度。方法在巴西东北部三个受寨卡影响的城市中,对22名年龄在14-24岁之间的年轻女性进行了半结构化访谈。该定性研究使用主题分析进行数据分析。结果几乎一半(n = 10)的参与者在青春期(从12到19)初次怀孕,而所有这些都是意外的。人们发现缺乏信息和获得计划生育的障碍加剧了未满足的避孕需求。参与者报告了有关避孕的知识空白。寨卡病毒不被认为是健康问题,参与者没有意识到寨卡病毒性传播的可能性。结论年轻妇女对性健康和生殖健康的知识和态度突出了获得保健的障碍。这也意味着必须有全面的,生物心理社会的和政治的理解,才能为该人群充分提供性健康和生殖健康并满足他们的需求。