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First-order definable counting-only queries
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10472-019-09652-8
Jelle Hellings , Marc Gyssens , Dirk Van Gucht , Yuqing Wu

Many data sources can be represented easily by collections of sets of objects. For several practical queries on such collections of sets of objects, the answer does not depend on the precise composition of these sets, but only on the number of sets to which each object belongs. This is the case k= 1 for the more general situation where the query answer only depends on the number of sets to which each collection of at most k objects belongs. We call such queries k-counting-only. Here, we focus on k-SyCALC, i.e., k-counting-only queries that are first-order definable. As k-SyCALC is semantically defined, however, it is not surprising that it is already undecidable whether a first-order query is in 1-SyCALC. Therefore, we introduce SimpleCALC-k, a syntactically defined (strict) fragment of k-SyCALC. It turns out that many practical queries in k-SyCALC can already be expressed in SimpleCALC− k. We also define the query language GCount− k, which expresses counting-only queries directly by using generalized counting terms, and show that this language is equivalent to SimpleCALC-k. We prove that the k-counting-only queries form a non-collapsing hierarchy: for every k, there exist (k+ 1)-counting-only queries that are not k-counting-only. This result specializes to both SimpleCALC− k and k-SyCALC. Finally, we establish a strong dichotomy between 1-SyCALC and SimpleCALC− k on the one hand and 2-SyCALC on the other hand by showing that satisfiability, validity, query containment, and query equivalence are decidable for the former two languages, but not for the latter one.



许多数据源可以很容易地用对象集的集合来表示。对于此类对象集集合的几个实际查询,答案不取决于这些集合的精确组成,而仅取决于每个对象所属的集数。对于更一般的情况,k=1 就是这种情况,其中查询答案仅取决于每个最多 k 个对象的集合所属的集合的数量。我们称此类查询为 k-counting-only。在这里,我们关注 k-SyCALC,即一阶可定义的 k-counting-only 查询。然而,由于 k-SyCALC 是语义定义的,因此一阶查询是否在 1-SyCALC 中已经不可判定也就不足为奇了。因此,我们引入了 SimpleCALC-k,这是 k-SyCALC 的语法定义(严格)片段。事实证明,k-SyCALC 中的许多实际查询已经可以用 SimpleCALC-k 表示。我们还定义了查询语言 GCount−k,它通过使用广义计数术语直接表达仅计数查询,并表明该语言等效于 SimpleCALC-k。我们证明了 k-counting-only 查询形成了一个非折叠层次结构:对于每个 k,存在 (k+1)-counting-only 查询不是 k-counting-only。该结果专门用于 SimpleCALC− k 和 k-SyCALC。最后,我们通过证明前两种语言的可满足性、有效性、查询包含和查询等价性是可判定的,在一方面 1-SyCALC 和 SimpleCALC−k 和另一方面 2-SyCALC 之间建立了强二分法,但不是对于后者。我们还定义了查询语言 GCount−k,它通过使用广义计数术语直接表达仅计数查询,并表明该语言等效于 SimpleCALC-k。我们证明了 k-counting-only 查询形成了一个非折叠层次结构:对于每个 k,存在 (k+1)-counting-only 查询不是 k-counting-only。该结果专门用于 SimpleCALC− k 和 k-SyCALC。最后,我们通过证明前两种语言的可满足性、有效性、查询包含和查询等价性是可判定的,在一方面 1-SyCALC 和 SimpleCALC−k 和另一方面 2-SyCALC 之间建立了强二分法,但不是对于后者。我们还定义了查询语言 GCount−k,它通过使用广义计数术语直接表达仅计数查询,并表明该语言等效于 SimpleCALC-k。我们证明了 k-counting-only 查询形成了一个非折叠层次结构:对于每个 k,存在 (k+1)-counting-only 查询不是 k-counting-only。该结果专门用于 SimpleCALC− k 和 k-SyCALC。最后,我们通过证明前两种语言的可满足性、有效性、查询包含和查询等价性是可判定的,在一方面 1-SyCALC 和 SimpleCALC−k 和另一方面 2-SyCALC 之间建立了强二分法,但不是对于后者。我们证明了 k-counting-only 查询形成了一个非折叠层次结构:对于每个 k,存在 (k+1)-counting-only 查询不是 k-counting-only。该结果专门用于 SimpleCALC− k 和 k-SyCALC。最后,我们通过证明前两种语言的可满足性、有效性、查询包含和查询等价性是可判定的,在一方面 1-SyCALC 和 SimpleCALC−k 和另一方面 2-SyCALC 之间建立了强二分法,但不是对于后者。我们证明了 k-counting-only 查询形成了一个非折叠层次结构:对于每个 k,存在 (k+1)-counting-only 查询不是 k-counting-only。该结果专门用于 SimpleCALC− k 和 k-SyCALC。最后,我们通过证明前两种语言的可满足性、有效性、查询包含和查询等价性是可判定的,在一方面 1-SyCALC 和 SimpleCALC−k 和另一方面 2-SyCALC 之间建立了强二分法,但不是对于后者。