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Fluid Inclusion Evidences for the P-T Conditions of Quartz Veins Formation in the Black Shale-Hosted Gold Deposits, Bodaybo Ore Region, Russia
Journal of Earth Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12583-019-1024-5
Natalia N. Ankusheva , Ekaterina E. Palenova , Svetlana N. Shanina

The P-T conditions of auriferous and barren quartz veins from Kopylovsky, Kavkaz and Krasnoye gold deposits in Proterozoic black shales of Bodaybo ore region are presented the first time in this study. Fluid inclusions trapped in auriferous quartz are aqueous Na±K-Mg chloride with salinity of 6 wt.%-8.8 wt.% NaCleqv. Homogenization temperatures vary from 260 to 350 °C, and calculated trapping pressures are 1.2–1.6 kbar. The fluids trapped in barren quartz have more complicated compositions with Na, K, Mg and Fe chlorides, salinity up to 13 wt.% NaCleqv, and homogenization temperatures ranging between 140 and 280 °C. The volatiles in fluids are dominated by H2O, followed by CO2 with minor amounts of CH4 and N2. We suppose that auriferous and barren quartz veins have been formed due to the basic metamorphogenic fluid as evidenced by the close slat and gas fluid composition.



这项研究首次提出了Bodaybo矿区元古代黑色页岩中Kopylovsky,Kavkaz和Krasnoye金矿床的石英和贫石英脉的PT条件。捕获在金刚砂石英中的流体夹杂物是Na±K-Mg氯化物水溶液,盐度为6 wt。%-8.8 wt。%NaCl eqv。均质温度在260至350°C之间变化,计算出的捕集压力为1.2–1.6 kbar。被困在贫瘠石英中的流体具有更复杂的成分,包括Na,K,Mg和Fe氯化物,盐度最高为13 wt。%NaCl eqv,均质温度在140至280°C之间。流体中的挥发物以H 2 O为主,其次是CO 2和少量的CH4和N 2。我们假设由于基本的变质流体形成了金耳和贫瘠的石英脉,如紧密的板条和气体流体成分所证明的那样。