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Overwintering of Piezodorus guildinii (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) Populations
Neotropical Entomology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s13744-019-00743-z
M S Zerbino 1 , L Miguel 2 , N A Altier 1 , A R Panizzi 3

Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) is a soybean pest that causes significant economic losses in the Americas. The variability of overwintering (diapause) traits was evaluated in populations of the Southwest (SW) (33°55′–34°17′S, 57°13′–57°46′W) during 2-year period (2011–2013) and of the Northwest (NW) (32°01′–33°02′S, 57°50′–57°24′W) during 1-year period (2014–2015) Regions of Uruguay. Samples were taken from different plant species (cultivated legumes, wild shrubs, and trees) and from overwintering sites (leaf litter and bark). Alfalfa, Medicago sativa L. was the main host, with a collection period of 10–11 months in the SW and 12 months in the NW. Cluster analysis for each sex was carried out to group the months according to the similarity in diapause traits of populations (body size, body lipid content, immature reproductive organs, and clear type of pronotum band and connexivum in females). Female diapause in the SW was longer (beginning of autumn to end of winter) than that in the NW (mid-autumn to mid-winter). Male diapause was longer (mid-autumn to mid-winter) in SW1 (1st year) than in SW2 (2nd year) and NW (late-autumn to mid-winter). In both regions, male diapause was shorter than female. Differences were associated with maximum temperature at daylight hours ≤ 12.1, being necessary maximum temperatures below 23.8 °C for females and 19.2 °C for males to initiate diapause.


Piezodorus guildinii(Heteroptera,Pentatomidae)种群越冬

Piezodorus guildinii(韦斯特伍德)是一种大豆害虫,在美洲引起严重的经济损失。在2年期间(2011-2013年)评估了西南(SW)(33°55′–34°17′S,57°13′–57°46′W)人群的越冬(滞育)性状的变异性)和西北(西北)(32°01′–33°02′S,57°50′–57°24′W)在1年期间(2014-2015年)乌拉圭地区。样品取自不同的植物物种(栽培的豆科植物,野生灌木和树木)和越冬的场所(枯枝落叶和树皮)。苜蓿,紫花苜蓿L.是主要寄主,西南部的收集期为10-11个月,西北部的收集期为12个月。根据人群滞育性的相似性(女性的体型,体脂含量,未成熟的生殖器官以及清晰的前胸膜带和结膜类型)对每个性别进行聚类分析,将月份分组。西南部的女性滞育时间(秋季开始至冬季结束)比西北部的女性滞育时间更长(中秋至冬季中期)。SW1(第一年)的雄性滞育(中秋至中旬)比SW2(第二年)和NW(秋季至中秋)更长。在这两个地区,男性滞育期均短于女性。差异与日照时间≤12.1时的最高温度有关,女性必须达到低于23.8°C的最高温度,而男性必须低于19.2°C才能开始滞育。