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Effects of weed abundance and frequency of hand weeding on the establishment of transplanted Imperata cylindrica
Landscape and Ecological Engineering ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11355-019-00398-3
Susumu Yamada , Masayuki Nemoto

Imperata cylindrica is an important component of grasslands in several Asian countries. Its vigorous rhizome elongation enables the plant to quickly cover bare ground, making it a candidate for revegetation projects. In these projects, initial and subsequent management practices often differ. Initial management strategies are important for encouraging rapid cover by the target species. We tested the effects of initial hand weeding on I. cylindrica cover and weed growth over 2 years. Two types of soil (A and B) were scattered on a recently constructed river embankment at a depth of 10 cm. Both soils A and B are nutrient-poor and high (> 7.0) pH. Plots were hand-weeded once or twice a year (W1 and W2 treatments, respectively), or mowed but not weeded (M treatment) with four replications. Plug plants of I. cylindrica were introduced. I. cylindrica became dominant in soil A with the W2 treatment, with 50% cover in year 2. Conversely, I. cylindrica failed to establish in soil B regardless of treatment, due to dominance of the weed Sorghum halepense. Soil B included creeping rhizomes of S. halepense, and vigorous growth from rhizomes is likely a major reason for its predominance. S. halepense seedlings germinated in both soils, but were successfully eradicated when weeded at less than 1 month of age. Thus, for successful revegetation, land managers should use soil that does not contain creeping rhizomes of S. halepense. If rhizomes are not present, hand weeding twice a year for 2 years is sufficient for establishment of I. cylindrica.



在亚洲的一些国家中,白茅梗是草原的重要组成部分。其强大的根茎伸长能力使该植物能够迅速覆盖裸露的地面,使其成为植被恢复项目的候选者。在这些项目中,初始和后续管理实践通常有所不同。初始管理策略对于鼓励目标物种快速覆盖至关重要。我们测试的最初手工除草对影响白茅盖和2年以上杂草的生长。两种类型的土壤(A和B)散布在最近修建的河堤上,深度为10厘米。土壤A和B均缺乏营养,且pH值高(> 7.0)。一年一次或两次除草(W 1和W 2处理),或修剪但不除草(M处理),重复四次。引入了I. cylindrica的栓塞植物。在第2年,采用W 2处理的圆柱形沙门氏菌在土壤A中占主导地位,在第二年的覆盖率为50%。相反,由于卤化高粱的杂草优势,无论采用何种处理,圆柱形沙门氏菌都无法在土壤B中建立。土壤B包括哈密​​链霉菌S. halepense)爬行的根茎,根茎的旺盛生长可能是其盛行的主要原因。哈尔滨链球菌两种土壤中都萌发了幼苗,但不到1个月大时除草成功。因此,为了成功进行植被恢复,土地管理者应使用不含沙生沙门氏菌爬行根茎的土壤。如果不存在根茎,则每年两次人工除草,持续2年就足以形成圆柱状I. cylindrica