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Consanguineous marriages among AndalusianGitanos/Calé: a genealogical analysis (1925–2006)
Journal of Biosocial Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021932019000804
Juan F Gamella 1

Using data from the family and genealogical reconstitutions of theGitanopopulation of 22 contiguous localities in eastern Andalusia, Spain, this study analysed the intensity, structure and historical evolution of consanguinity in 3056 couples formed from 1925 to 2006. Of these unions, 54.8% were consanguineous, and 28.7% involved relatives up to and including second cousins, resulting in a mean coefficient of inbreeding up to the third degreeα3= 12.4 × 10−3. The rest of the consanguineous unions (26.1% of all) involved more-distant relatives, such as third cousins, fourth cousins and so forth. When all consanguinity degrees found in the genealogical reconstitution were considered, the total mean coefficient of inbreeding wasαt= 14.8 × 10−3. The merging of families and pedigrees generated a complex genealogical network with many inbreeding loops and important founder effects. This network revealed a high rate (62%) of Multiple Consanguineous Marriages (MCMs) in which second and subsequent consanguineous ties increased inbreeding levels by a fifth (20.5%). The accumulation of multiple degrees of distant relatedness, many of which had little social or biological importance, has contributed to a significant increase in inbreeding rates. AmongGitanopeople, intra-family marriages have remained common in the last decades, in sharp contrast to other Spanish populations. Hence the highest rates of close consanguinity (34%) and inbreeding (α3= 14.6 × 10−3) were found in the 1960s, the decade that saw the onset of Spain’s socioeconomic modernization, internationalization and massive migration. These are among the highest rates of inbreeding found in any European population, including the most endogamous Spanish isolates. They reveal marriage strategies not constrained primarily by geographical barriers, but by ethnocultural separation. Interestingly, in recent decades mixed marriages have been increasing rapidly in this minority, although they are compatible with high rates of consanguinity.Gitanosecular endogamy is breaking up, but not uniformly.



使用来自家庭和家谱重建的数据吉多诺本研究对西班牙安达卢西亚东部 22 个相邻地区的人口进行了分析,分析了 1925 年至 2006 年形成的 3056 对夫妇的血缘关系的强度、结构和历史演变。在这些结合中,54.8% 是近亲,28.7% 涉及亲属,直至并包括表亲,导致近亲繁殖的平均系数达到三级α3= 12.4 × 10-3. 其余的近亲结合(占总数的 26.1%)涉及距离较远的亲戚,例如三代表亲、四代表亲等。当考虑家谱重构中发现的所有近亲度时,近交的总平均系数为α= 14.8 × 10-3. 家庭和谱系的合并产生了一个复杂的家谱网络,其中包含许多近亲繁殖循环和重要的创始人效应。该网络揭示了高比率(62%)的多重近亲婚姻(MCM),其中第二次和随后的近亲关系将近亲繁殖水平提高了五分之一(20.5%)。多种程度的远亲关系的积累,其中许多没有什么社会或生物学重要性,导致近亲繁殖率显着提高。之中吉多诺在过去的几十年里,家庭内部的婚姻仍然很普遍,这与其他西班牙人口形成了鲜明的对比。因此,近亲(34%)和近亲繁殖(α3= 14.6 × 10-3) 发现于 1960 年代,那是西班牙社会经济现代化、国际化和大规模移民开始的十年。这些是在任何欧洲人群中发现的最高近亲繁殖率之一,包括最内婚的西班牙分离株。他们揭示了婚姻策略主要不受地理障碍的限制,而是受民族文化分离的限制。有趣的是,近几十年来,这个少数群体的混血婚姻迅速增加,尽管它们与高血缘关系相适应。吉多诺世俗的内婚制正在瓦解,但并不统一。