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Process mining of a multi-agent business simulator
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10588-018-9268-6
Sohei Ito , Dominik Vymětal , Roman Šperka , Michal Halaška

A multi-agent system is a useful modeling architecture in business process modeling in the sense that we can naturally implement participants in a real company with software agents. However, analyzing and interpreting the simulation results of multi-agent models tends to be difficult due to the inherent complexity of the models. In this regard, another discipline—process mining—is useful for such purposes because it has demonstrated its usefulness in analyzing real processes. In this article, our aim is to combine these two disciplines for exploitation in business process modeling and simulation; we extend a multi-agent-based business simulator named Multi-Agent system with Resource-Event-Agent ontology (MAREA) to be able to be analyzed by means of process mining techniques. To this end, we formalize the abstract multi-agent architecture of MAREA and establish its relationship to process mining by defining how execution of a multi-agent system can be recorded as an event log, which is later analyzed by process mining techniques. Based on this definition, we implement functionality to extract event logs from simulation runs in MAREA. For demonstration, we implement a model of a generic trading company in MAREA and perform process structure verification and social network analyzes by means of process mining techniques.


