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Analysis of fatty acid and determination of total protein and phytochemical content of Cassia sophera Linn leaf, stem, flower, and seed
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s43088-019-0004-1
Shahin Aziz , Tahmina Khondkar Mitu

Cassia sophera Linn is a medicinally important plant belonging to the family of Caesalpiniaceae. The whole part of the plant is used as traditional folk medicine and is reported to possess analgesic, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and antiasthmatic activity. The present communication attempt is to evaluate fatty acids from different parts of the plant by GC-MS spectrophotometer and total protein content by the Kjeldahl method and to quantify some active constituents, i.e., alkaloid, saponin, and flavonoid. From fatty acid compositions of the petroleum ether extract of leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of this plant grown in Bangladesh, 22 compounds from leaves, 8 compounds from stems, 9 compounds from flowers, and 12 compounds from seeds were identified. The main fatty acid was arachidic acid (38.66%) from leaves. Linoleic acid (40.12% and 42.40%) was found mainly from stems and seeds, whereas from flowers, it was docosadienoic acid (27.14%). The findings from the present study showed that the protein content for seeds has higher value (19.20%) than other parts of the plant. Also the present investigation showed that different parts of the plant contain phytochemicals in appreciable quantities in the form of flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins. The flavonoid and alkaloid content of leaves showed higher value. But the stem part showed higher saponin content than other parts of the plant.



决明子是一种重要的药用植物,属于槐科植物。该植物的整个部分用作传统的民间药物,据报道具有镇痛、抗惊厥、抗氧化、抗炎、保肝和平喘活性。目前的交流尝试是通过 GC-MS 分光光度计评估植物不同部位的脂肪酸,通过凯氏定氮法评估总蛋白质含量,并量化一些活性成分,即生物碱、皂苷和黄酮类化合物。从生长在孟加拉国的这种植物的叶、茎、花和种子的石油醚提取物的脂肪酸组成中,鉴定出 22 种来自叶的化合物、8 种来自茎的化合物、9 种来自花的化合物和 12 种来自种子的化合物。主要脂肪酸是来自叶子的花生酸(38.66%)。亚油酸(40.12% 和 42.40%)主要来自茎和种子,而从花中发现的是二十二碳二烯酸(27.14%)。本研究的结果表明,种子的蛋白质含量比植物的其他部分具有更高的价值 (19.20%)。此外,目前的调查表明,植物的不同部位含有可观数量的黄酮类、生物碱和皂苷形式的植物化学物质。叶片的黄酮类和生物碱含量显示出较高的值。但茎部分的皂苷含量高于植物的其他部分。此外,目前的调查表明,植物的不同部位含有可观数量的黄酮类、生物碱和皂苷形式的植物化学物质。叶片的黄酮类和生物碱含量显示出较高的值。但茎部分的皂苷含量高于植物的其他部分。此外,目前的调查表明,植物的不同部位含有可观数量的黄酮类、生物碱和皂苷形式的植物化学物质。叶片的黄酮类和生物碱含量显示出较高的值。但茎部分的皂苷含量高于植物的其他部分。