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The topology of look-compute-move robot wait-free algorithms with hard termination
Distributed Computing ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00446-018-0345-3
Manuel Alcántara , Armando Castañeda , David Flores-Peñaloza , Sergio Rajsbaum

Look-Compute-Move models for a set of autonomous robots have been thoroughly studied for over two decades. We consider the standard Asynchronous Luminous Robots (ALR) model, where robots are located in a graph G. Each robot, repeatedly Looks at its surroundings and obtains a snapshot containing the vertices of G, where all robots are located; based on this snapshot, each robot Computes a vertex (adjacent to its current position), and then Moves to it. Robots have visible lights, allowing them to communicate more information than only its actual position, and they move asynchronously, meaning that each one runs at its own arbitrary speed. We are also interested in a case which has been barely explored: the robots need not all be present initially, they might appear asynchronously. We call this the Extended Asynchronous Appearing Luminous Robots (EALR) model. A central problem in the mobile robots area is bringing the robots to the same vertex. We study several versions of this problem, where the robots move towards the same (or close to each other) vertices. And we concentrate on the requirement that each robot executes a finite number of Look-Compute-Move cycles, independently of the interleaving of other robot’s cycles, and then stops. Our main result is direct connections between the (ALR and) EALR model and the asynchronous wait-free multiprocess read/write shared memory (WFSM) model. General robot tasks in a graph are also provided, which include several version of gathering. Finally, using the connection between the EALR model and the WFSM model, a combinatorial topology characterization for the solvable robot tasks is presented.



用于一组自主机器人的 Look-Compute-Move 模型已经被彻底研究了二十多年。我们考虑标准的 Asynchronous Luminous Robots (ALR) 模型,其中机器人位于图 G 中。每个机器人反复查看其周围环境并获得包含 G 顶点的快照,其中所有机器人都位于该图上;基于这个快照,每个机器人计算一个顶点(与其当前位置相邻),然后移动到它。机器人具有可见光,允许它们传达更多信息,而不仅仅是其实际位置,并且它们是异步移动的,这意味着每个机器人都以自己的任意速度运行。我们还对一个鲜为人知的案例感兴趣:机器人最初不需要全部出现,它们可能会异步出现。我们称之为扩展异步发光机器人 (EALR) 模型。移动机器人领域的一个核心问题是将机器人带到同一个顶点。我们研究了这个问题的几个版本,其中机器人向相同(或彼此靠近)的顶点移动。我们专注于每个机器人执行有限数量的 Look-Compute-Move 循环的要求,独立于其他机器人循环的交错,然后停止。我们的主要结果是(ALR 和)EALR 模型与异步无等待多进程读/写共享内存 (WFSM) 模型之间的直接连接。还提供了图形中的一般机器人任务,其中包括多个版本的收集。最后,利用EALR模型和WFSM模型之间的联系,