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Phylogenetic Analyses of Cretaceous Fossils Related to Chloranthaceae and their Evolutionary Implications
The Botanical Review ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12229-018-9197-6
James A. Doyle , Peter K. Endress

Chloranthaceae were one of the first common lines during the early radiation of angiosperms, possibly reflecting adaptation to more open habitats. Phylogenetic analyses clarify the position of Cretaceous mesofossils in molecular trees of Recent taxa. Plants that produced Asteropollis pollen, with tepals adnate to a single carpel, are nested in crown group Chloranthaceae with Hedyosmum; Canrightiopsis, with three stamens and no perianth, is sister to Sarcandra and Chloranthus; and Canrightia is a stem relative that illustrates a still bisexual stage in floral reduction. Plants that produced Pennipollis pollen are related to Chloranthaceae and/or Ceratophyllum rather than monocots. Appomattoxia, which produced Tucanopollis pollen, has equivocal affinities, but Pseudoasterophyllites, with similar pollen and stems with reduced leaves, may be a link between Chloranthaceae and Ceratophyllum. These results imply that flowers became unisexual before losing the perianth, while bisexual flowers in Canrightiopsis, Sarcandra, and Chloranthus are secondarily derived from unisexual flowers.



绿花科是被子植物早期辐射期间最早的常见品系之一,这可能反映了对更开放栖息地的适应。系统发育分析阐明了白垩纪中化石在最近分类群的分子树中的位置。产生Asteropollis花粉的植物,花被片贴在一个心皮上,与Hedyosmum一起嵌套在Chloranthaceae的冠群中;Canrightiopsis 具有三个雄蕊,没有花被,是 Sarcandra 和 Chloranthus 的姐妹;和 Canrightia 是一个茎亲属,它说明了花减少的双性阶段。产生 Pennipollis 花粉的植物与 Chloranthaceae 和/或 Ceratophyllum 有关,而不是与单子叶植物有关。产生 Tucanopollis 花粉的 Appomattoxia 具有模棱两可的亲和力,但 Pseudoasterophyllites 具有相似的花粉和茎叶减少,可能是 Chloranthaceae 和 Ceratophyllum 之间的联系。这些结果意味着花在失去花被之前变成了单性花,而 Canrightiopsis、Sacandra 和 Chloranthus 中的双性花则是从单性花中衍生出来的。